
Kind of like a stripped down version of The Incredible Machine, the old Sierra game that I used to play back in the day. It had mouse wheels and lasers and fans and blenders... it was really awesome.

Hey, that little wiener guy is kind of cute. I bet he'll grow up to be a state representative one day.

I bet people of the day watched this video and were angered at the fact that the processes of calling someone was about to be a lot more complicated, compared to just picking up the phone and telling the operator who they wanted to talk to.

I didn't think it looked all that bad, although I don't think that it captures the essence of the source material. But from a technical standpoint, I would say that while it may be in the uncanny valley, it should at least be considered on the upslope. Even if it is still a little bit creepy when it is finally done,

The way I read it, the free games will be able to be downloaded only for a 30 day window, after which they will not be available for free. After they are downloaded they are yours for keeps.

I like how they all require an Allen Wrench

I am not sure what happened, but whenever I see the Sony name on something now a days, all I can think is "that item is probably more expensive than it needs to be."

It's called dedication.

I just keep about:blank as my top bookmark and just go to it before I close safari each time. it seems like a hassle but it is practically second nature for me now and it makes safari load super quick and without opening annoying extra pages.

I feel like I just watched the end of an episode of 60 Minutes.


Nah, I think brijazz has a point here. This is definately about the principle. You middle classers just can't seem to see past the money aspect.

I would be interested to see what kind of range this thing has.

Ha, you all must be really dumb. That picture was obviously altered some way using photoshop.


This article could be so much shorter...

This article could be so much shorter...

It is different to Sendspace and Rapidshare in that it cuts out the middle man of first uploading the file to a server, and then downloaded from that server later. Dropbox is also similar to this system, it just insludes a user interface to manage files, allowing files in the public folder to be downloaded by outside

It looks to me like Mozilla and Microsoft looked at Chrome and said "let's do that."

Pssh, I could have done that at Epcot.