I guess Gawker wouldn't pay ABP's extortion fees. Sometimes it's really hard to know who the bad guy is.
I guess Gawker wouldn't pay ABP's extortion fees. Sometimes it's really hard to know who the bad guy is.
Home depot sell some PVC profile* that is just the right size for an iPad thickness. Buy a couple of feet from the offcut bin cut two pieces the width of the iPad and one the length, miter the ends and glue the pieces inside your book cover. Open the book and slide your iPad in from the spine.
* profile is lengths of…
Sorry about the rotation thing
While you turn to ice.
I got a game called Alien with a Magnet, it's great!
Hey Moon, I'm on the beach, were gonna have a BBQ; bikini, sun tan lotion and stuff. Whatcha doing up there?
The few games I have on my android I have in a different profile so I don't need to apply different settings like orientation every time I want to play. If you set the time to a different time zone 23 hours behind yours it stays on that setting when you next log back in.
I hate the word app and what's more my phone auto(in)correct doesn't know the word out of the box and replaces it with so.
I'll favorite this and resend it to you next year.
Haven't seen '*' in Windows Explorer mentioned
If you use your browser, except Chrome, in full screen then Windows key twice.
Hey I thought your comment was about today's ABP story, just realized it isn't however my comments still stand, they just don't address the thread you were replying to.
This is going to sound awfully trite but it can be summed up by "short term gain, long term pain". Google's revenue comes from ads... nothing wrong with that at all. Google aren't going to let ABP slow down their revenue and they WILL find a way to serve unblockable ads. Unfortunately ads are associated rightly with…
Adblock is run by one guy and his wife and maybe an employee. Adblock Plus is a corporation that extorts money from popular sites. In the end this will lead Google and others to find a way of showing ads that can't be blocked. That technology will then get out to every spammer and his granny and the web will resemble…
Voice commands would seem to present a bit of a problem where TVs are concerned. What's to stop some rogue TV product including "Xbox, switch off" in his dialog?
Just a warning from the author like you did today would be sufficient. It's a little startling to be reading through a bunch of comments and find one from oneself, even worse when one disagrees with it.