I can make you just as tasty a sandwich and healthy too, without clogging your arteries.
I can make you just as tasty a sandwich and healthy too, without clogging your arteries.
"The christian resolve to find the world "Evil and ugly" has indeed made the World Evil and Ugly" - Friedrich Nietzche
How would you like me to answer this?
Just one thing - I have to have the last word :)
Bill Gates and that Buffet guy set the standard and anyone who is anyone including Pat Robert(son? - can't remember) should be judged - no wrong word, compared against them.
I say asshole-ish things but I wouldn't describe myself as evil. Murdoch's staff have low ethical standards but again, that's not evil. Berlusconi is just a powerful and selfish sex-maniac egotist, not evil. The more I think about it, and I have since yesterday, the more I don't think even Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot…
3TB drives won't work correctly on Windows 7 and below - you'll only be able to address about 2TB. You should mention that.
I can't really disagree with anything you wrote except the gun stuff. One of the real problems is our system of government. Whose idea was it to change out a third of the government every two years? The president is the figurehead/whipping boy so if he's unpopular then even if his party is doing a good job they tend…
Nothing, I agree they're mostly the same, but different. I was just replying to the other guy, there more than one way to skin a cat.
As for the small proportion of rich people, they ride on the backs of the agglomeration of anti-abortionists, right to own a gun freaks, religious fundamentalists, gay marriage deniers…
yeah cool but then some printers print a border and you know what the recipient can't get rid of it
I think there is the equivalent of a fine in your tax due - I may be wrong, I don't directly deal with this - my husband's accountant does but still, I think so.
Maybe because the nine children didn't choose their mother or to live that way?
Opponents of the ACA often refer to it as socialized medicine and decry it for several ideological reasons. The definition of socialized seems to be "take money from the haves and use it to pay for things for some undefined group of people who have not paid for it". However, these same people are quite content to…
"your very first comment hurled an insult at anyone here who might take offense at your claim they were brainwashed by their parents to believe in 'whatever god.'"
'Why do you think so many raised without any religion come to it as adults?'
'Wow. Who died in your life that you're blaming an all seeing god for?'
You don't need your browser to have your own live start page. If you have any HTML/js knowhow you can make a .hta file any size from full screen down and populate it with links, images, shortcuts to files on your machine and iframes which will display any other live content from webpages with the exception of Google…
And think about it... everyone who pays insurance is paying for someone else's healthcare, that's how insurance works.
You don't need to, thanks, I pay my own. However the ACA makes people who originally had their healthcare paid for by the government (i.e. you the taxpayer or you the insurance payer) pay their own now so I'm not sure how you see this as still having to pay for them.
You won't see Democrats doing it illegally either because it's the law.