Cass Lopez

Yeah but that's different. When your boss changes your hours you finish later but the bars/gyms etc. still close at the same time and your girlfriend still gets home at five. When the clocks change all of these change too.

"Google has NEVER had a problem with telling time.

Sorry, added my figures wrong - that should be more like 15% not 25%.

Don't you have one county that has DST less thirty minutes or something weird?

As an ex-developer let me tell you the algorithm for this whole DST crap is quite simple, it's easier to get it right than wrong, they must really try. Unless it's the NSA software interfering.

Are you inviting the obvious comment or do you really believe that?

They shouldn't abolish DST they should make it permanent the whole year. More lighter nights outweighs more darker mornings. We all do our sports and stuff after work, not before. There's no law that says the sun has to be at the zenith at noon.

Hey Mrs. Reynolds don't forget to let us know the date of his funeral so we can celebrate.

I think you passed me today on the interstate, if it wasn't you it was some other fecking idiot clutching a phone and causing accidents in his wake. Wake - that part of the road behind you that you never see because you're too busy trying to juggle phone and road ahead

Sean... First Law of Holes - When in one stop digging.

My mother was killed in a road accident when I was ten by a woman putting on her makeup while driving. You will never convince me it's safe to text while driving.

The thing is no one reads messages on an apple - and they don't have keyboards (joke noted) to further distract your attention away from the kid running out into the road after his ball.

Do us all a favor and don't ever drive again. You are far too immature to be behind a wheel.

Who on earth are the four people who recommended this shit? It's not pre-crime, texting while driving is the crime. Having the accident is not the crime, it's the consequence of not watching the roadroad.

They say Apple are ahead of their time, we just don't know what that time is.

Just because it stays folded in place, no magical properties.

This is not a good idea. For a start you're getting acetone all over parts of your fingers that don't need it. Acetone dries your skin and removes oils requiring application of lotions and creams to repair. Secondly after a few uses the sponge is retaining the colors from previous cleansings and starts to color your

I would like to make the world a better place but I don't see how listening to better quality sound will eradicate hunger, remove people's slavish dependence on a deity to control their lives, and give us all affordable healthcare without people who already have it trying to take it away.