Cass Lopez

Rule #1 read original commenter's post to get the context of any replies

Well I think your other reply to me confirms that.

I smell Apple fanboy

Nothing you actually wrote is true.

Yes! This is Lifehacker, the civilized older brother of Gizmodo.

1. Yes, saves using the collection plate to buy a rent boy.

Make yourself a cup of tea and spend an hour reading a jquery tutorial. It's worth the effort. All that struggling you do with getting finicky CSS and HTML to work... someone been there already and done it all for you. Jquery makes coding HTML a dream. Add jquety to your search for the scroll bar thing and see what

I'm not really big into CSS any more. I use jquery and so should you, however a search found this which seems to address your main problem that hiding the scroll bars prevents the page from scrolling.

Oh. Overdressed then.

I think one of those rubbery fridge magnets might be less scratchy on the screen than a binder clip

But the guy and his wife were already in the habit of calling each other so their phones must be on ring. He and his wife seem to always be misplacing their phones if you read his post. In his situation - phone on, and in the house somewhere then it's surely easier to call than to mess with the device manager thing.

Of course it's street view you silly moon. You don't think I'd come all the way up there to have my photo taken do you? Think of the vaccinations I'd need.

Oh yeah, says who?

There's an android app called cloudaround which plays your music stored in online clouds like Dropbox and Skydrive which has a similar problem except it just won't play those files. Quite drove me nuts till I realized what was going on.

I can't make up my mind if you meant ruining or running with your typo.

Hey Whitson, I was in Oxford in 2009 too. We could have been like ships that passed in the night. Oh... So close, but yet so far.

Moon, I thought Hot was AHK's middle name.

Although it's not mentioned in Whitson's post this works with your search terms as well which was the subject of my original post.

Won't you guys read the post I was replying to? I wasn't saying it doesn't work with tablets. Sometimes the song you're singing is the one you wrote yourself.

Maybe so, it's Moon after all.