Cass Lopez

My most charitable thought about behavior like this is the mother's fear of the unknown. She didn't want her kids to ask questions because she didn't have the answer. If she doesn't introduce her kids to all sections of society they will likely grow up the same way.

My brother is Down Syndrome and I got him a job at the local supermarket here packing groceries for customers at the checkout. I cry a little inside but nevertheless I'm happy for him when he comes home and says ”hey Ka, I made another new friend today ”. The new friends are people who merely said thank you or just

That's also not what he said.

that may be but he said it works better than the original

How does it work better than the original? Locking/unlocking is a binary operation, it either unlocks or it doesn't. There's no ’nearly locks'.

Instead of befriending someone for what they can do for you, befriend them for what you can do for them. I'm thinking about mentally disabled people (or people, as I prefer to call them) who often are excluded from society because of what they look like or how they behave. They are people just like you and me who've

You're right but it can certainly cast doubt on the other party's testimony especially if they are relying on circumstantial evidence or hearsay, in a civil case maybe and if you have someone testify they spoke with you on the phone at the time you say you were at point B and the phone's call records show that call

No, what really happened was they released the wrong Final version - should have been "gmail final FINAL (this one)"

Yes, that's what the article is about, getting tracked so you can be presented with coupons.

I have Tasker start My Tracks when I'm in the car

I didn't say watched, I said videoed or tracked. The difference between the concepts is videoing/tracking can proceed without a human and can store your whereabouts for decades. Watching, on the other hand has no value except to voyeurs.

See the entry for July 19

This is something that can probably be accomplished quite easily with Tasker and Tasker App Creater. A reasonably informed amateur could do it.

I think a good rule of thumb is that if there's no one in the store you can turn to for assistance e.g. Walmart or Target then you're being videoed or otherwise tracked; retailers aren't going to leave their juicy merchandise unprotected and at the mercy of some light-fingered klepto.

Ok try the community on a method to remove the incredibly annoying full screen notification in Google Chrome then speak to a Google developer (if you know one) and see which gives you the most satisfaction. As for getting charged for tech support then vote with your feet. One good side effect of paid for software is

Looks like you need to see a shrink about your low self esteem. Your post is so splattered with negativity and words such as failure, no, procrastinate, that I wanted to top myself by the time I reached the end.

Have you investigated Google's My Tracks for tracking your location? It's more fine-grained than Latitude and doesn't require a data connection. It can tell for example if you reverse into a parking space or drive head in. It knows your speed at all times while in transit unless you're in the subway.

Yes they are! They know how you got to their site, which pages you view how long you stay on those pages and in some cases they know if you've been on a competitor's site prior to viewing theirs. Wishlists aren't an aide-memoire for you, they're for the retailer's benefit so they know what you want and can give you a

I never thought I would hear myself saying this but there are many positive aspects to being tracked such as locating missing family members or, contrary to how most people view tracking, providing an alibi which says you were at point B when the police or a divorce lawyer for example say you were at point A. Just let

I appreciate what you're saying but I think in the future you're going to be faced with a dwindling pool of places to shop.