Ms Brocius

I find it hilarious he couldn't even make it to the halfway point on his promise to "go dark" until Labor Day.

I'm not sure anyone takes The Mooch seriously, except for The Mooch.

That's hilarious!

I used to work at a public library. One woman came in raving about the utter trash we had in our movie section. She had checked out an unrated horror film . . . that was clearly marked as containing pervasive violence and sexual content. When I pointed the rating out to her, it completely blew her mind that movies had

Yes it was stuff like that.

Agreed on Barrett's story being incredibly sad. The pictures of him after his breakdown really bother me anytime I think of them. It's the look in his eyes that really haunts me, especially how he went from bright-eyed to broken within a matter of weeks. I thought it was interesting that it was, I think, Gilmour, who

Mark Blake's Comfortably Numb.

I did not see that, but it does sound awful.

Some hipster at a a college coffee night ruined it for me. I don't think he even knew who Pink Floyd was. I never went back for fear of more songs being ruined.

I've never noticed this. Pink Floyd has been my favorite band since I was 12, and I have a lot of of other female friends who love them too. Same for Monty Python.

It's been my favorite for a long time. Just got a book on the band and was surprised when the author charactized it as "unpleasant."

A friend of mine missed it because she was moving, so I've been trying to catch her up on all the high points. There are so many plot twists! I think I've been able to explain entire seasons of television shows to people more concisely.

Not gonna lie, the Scaramucci train wreck made me laugh the hardest I have in a long time. Now I'm just back to being depressed and in despair, but that week-and-a-half has probably been the only political anything that has amused me since November.

I've been thinking of him as a Goodfellas reject, but I like this one better.

YES! That had me nearly wretching, but I was instantly intrigued.

I've been told that this makes me sick, but that was the moment for me too. I had been enjoying the pilot well enough, but I had no strong opinions one way or the other about watching the rest of the season. Then that happened, and I was immediately all in.

That makes sense.

Oh that is just so sad. I'm really sorry about your friend.

I tried octopus in college because my friend was a culinary arts major, and she brought some from a class as part of our lunch one day. (I mooched a lot off of said friend when I was tired of cafeteria food.) It was disgusting looking, but I figured, "What the hell, why not." It really did have an odd texture, but it

I've seen a lot of spinals, Dude, and this guy's a fake.