Yeah I rewatched Breaking Bad earlier this year, and it's still amazing even when you know what's going to happen. It's interesting to view the characters through a different lense, too.
Yeah I rewatched Breaking Bad earlier this year, and it's still amazing even when you know what's going to happen. It's interesting to view the characters through a different lense, too.
That's why you have to skip that one completely and just go for the Danish original. I loved it so much I watched the first season 3 times in one month. :)
It's probably my favorite Thanksgiving dish too. My grandmother makes wonderful dressing, and I live on the leftovers almost exclusively for days afterward.
Agreed. It almost seemed like he was just doing it because it took less effort than doing more interesting casting.
Yeah nothing against Leo, but I'm proud of Scorsese for broadening his casting for this one.
Yeah I actually found Bartlett pretty obnoxious sometimes and was really horrified by some of his actions that the show seemed interested in whitewashing, especially in regard to concealing his condition. I am still somewhat confused about why he's so popular with everyone else.
Or just cooking the confused fucks themselves. . . .
Yes, I think you might be right. She may have sounded off on the occasional word, but I doubt it would've sounded as uniformly bad as the Southern one.
Yeah I've heard some bad American accents in my time—not familiar with Doctor Who, but I am still scarred by whatever the hell Rob James-Collier's "Texas" accent was in Mercenaries. But hers makes the other bad ones I've heard sound downright authentic.
For sure! In this day and age, it's not that hard to do a little research to figure out what the character should sound like.
When I read the comments on this article, I figured the accent would be bad, but a part of me was thinking, "It couldn't be *that* bad." I stand corrected. That was fucking horrible.
Yeah, I just watched this movie for the first time last night and thought it was funny as hell. I'm still giggling thinking about it and am probably going to rewatch it tonight.
For what it's worth, I just watched this last night, and one of my main motivations was because of how many Forbrydelsen actors were on it. (I love Malling and Lie Kaas both and actively try to seek out their other stuff.)
But a Texas accent is quite a different beast entirely than a Cajun accent. I'm from the South, and it drives me crazy when people use the wrong Southern accent for the area. People seem to think folks where I'm from sound like we're from Mississippi, and we most certainly do not.
I've always found regional accents fascinating.
I was always bothered by his House accent too. A lot of Brits do really good American accents—and as a native of the South, I'd say that they tend to do better American Southern accents usually, with some notable exceptions than non-Southern Americans—but something about his accent in House was just off to me. To his…
Just curious: what accent do you have? (I also find accents interesting, though I've actually repressed mine for the most part.)
That's true, but I felt like that point was frequently lost in the books.
That has been driving me crazy with multiple reviewers—not just this website—for this season.