
I felt like it had potential. It was way better than that godawful “crotchety city man saves yokel choir, but actually they save him” show. Did that get canceled yet?

the relatively small market and high income tax paradise of Sacramento

Splinter’s problem was it wasn’t fun. Gawker was fun, because you either agreed with it or you liked watching the train wreck of this week’s drama. Plus it had a little bit of a broader focus into more entertaining topics. Splinter was your annoying friend who couldn’t shut up about Trump and social injustice long

For every good article posted on Splinter there was another that was wayyy too far up its own asshole. The commenters there were insufferable at best and raving lunatics at worst. But man the unceremonious shuttering and subsequent gag order is spectacularly shitty. I'm glad I use an ad blocker. 

Very nice Rebecca. Don’t despair on the finding someone after thirty is nigh impossible. When I was 44, I met my forever man and happily married for 21 years.

Splinter (which couldn’t even snag the right URL) lacked the self-aware (and yes, insidery) humor that made Gawker so great. Especially in the splenetic commentariat.

“Why not flagellate the league and its players for failing to denounce Israeli oppression of Palestinians, or Russian oppression of homosexuals, or Indian and Pakistani oppression of Kashmir, or Brexit?”

Gee, I don’t know, because the NBA isn’t trying to make some huge push into fucking Pakistan?

For one, he’s using it to help other people...

So, she reveals that she supports trans people and that she’s learning and trying to better herself on a topic and human condition that she wasn’t familiar with for most of her life. And the takeaway here is that that’s “not pretty”? The purity tests are unreal.

I tend to think he didn’t know he’d still be receiving “that sweet Nike cash” when he took a knee. It’s great he’s getting it, but it was still a risky sacrifice. 

I don’t see what the issue is here. This is a new subject for many people, something they’ve never been exposed to before or thought much about. And frankly, it is an uncomfortable topic for many, especially older folks. I say it’s a good thing for those who are confused or don’t feel fully confident in their ideas

I think this defense is broadly right—but it still amounts to LeBron saying that the sensitivities of one of the world’s most brutal and repressive regimes should set boundaries on what people in the NBA say in public. Which is fuckin’ gross!

A good time to remember that Colin Kaepernick gave up his job and all the considerable perks that come with it to stand up against injustice, while LeBron James, whose legacy and bank account are both more secure, is unwilling to risk even a small fraction of future earnings to speak on one of the few world issues

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

This is just fucking gross. Thats really all I can say about it.

Shockingly, it’s possible to care about multiple things at once, or tackle something that is more easily fixable in the short term. - a Californian

Newsom signed a statewide rent control bill like two days ago, and signed a bill banning for-profit prisons the day after that. He can’t fix everything all at once, but his week has been full of real progress for the state.

My two chinchillas are beloved pets; I know that people used to make coats out of these animals, but I can barely comprehend that.

Grape Nuts start as a box of crumbs.