Oh jeez - reading quickly I thought somehow the rapey grey-dicked Steelers QB was somehow involved....
Oh jeez - reading quickly I thought somehow the rapey grey-dicked Steelers QB was somehow involved....
You’re an idiot.
If I did even a tiny bump now, I’m sure it’d kill me on the spot. But it is, in fact, a hell of a drug.
We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics
they brought in a tank and all kinds of outside shit for this dude, and they still couldn’t be arsed to do more than pepper spray him and bonk him on the head after chasing him for an hour.
Yeah, it’s like the least-weird thing Travolta has said in a very long time.
that’s a very Spanish name though
A father says the nicest, least narcissitic, least sexist things, about his daughter in public and somehow that’s...weird? And taking credit for her doing well?
1. What the fuck are you talking about? 2. Fuck off.
I honestly don’t know if I would be able to continue on if I lost my wife and little girl and the thought of ever experiencing an ounce of what he’s going through is turning my stomach. Just an absolute tragedy
I rubbed my crystal, said some spells, and got the polio for her. I guess it didn’t work.
Kardashian’s hand in Johnson’s release is great. This ad still came across as a very cynical use of activism/empowerment politics for what is ultimately a brand that helps put money in Kim Kardashian’s pocket.
I know it’s fun to shit on the Kardashians
When discussing Cousins and Alabama, one has to be a little more specific.
He is literally the Lord of Dogtown
Mybe they won't be a bunch of narcs like Malia's classmates.
So I guess I’m the only one feeling nostalgic after that little girl in the photo is old enough to enroll in college. And that it’s been three years since we’ve had a sane/non-senile/not-a-total-unrepentant-dick president.
Being on the spectrum myself, I find it horribly offensive that people think bringing back diseases that used to kill thousands of children every year is an acceptable consequence of saving their kids from possibly winding up like me.
It seems to me that the law is accomplishing exactly what was intended. People can choose not to get vaccinated, but then they forfeit the privilege of attending school and playing sports with the rest of us. They are choosing their own semi-isolation from polite society.
He lives with his mom, or his mom lives with him (semantics), because they both agree it’s what is needed for his mental health, and that isn’t kind to be snarky about.