
in my mind I call her 'second wife'.

A kid gave me all kinds of side-eye during that montage in Up, where Carl and Ellie grow old together, and then Ellie dies. I was sobbing and that kid was looking at me like I was the weirdo. Yeah guess what kid, you're weird because you feel nothing after watching Carl lose the love of his life.

Can I mention how lucky I am to have a man who made me wait at a spot at Glacier National Park for 5 minutes for 4 other people to leave in order to ask me, quietly, to marry him. No videos, no cameras, no audience. I am lucky.

I don't have much to add, except to say that I'm a teacher and there are a number of students I know that I really, REALLY wish I could look at and say, "You're an asshole. And you're going to continue being an asshole the rest of your life. I can see it already."

Unless I have somewhere that I need to be, I will sit for hours in just a towel after I've gotten out of the shower. I find it so freeing.

I sell swimwear for a living, if you want to get at those low cut swimsuits and want to avoide slippage: allow me to introduce LENNY!!!

Taraji Henson as Drunk Cookie was a thing to behold. This was no Vitametavegemin Drunk. This was sloppy, unfocused, hit-on-everything-that-moves Drunk. In other words, real life. She dissed their drink when she got there but she was sure willing to guzzle it down later.

I already had a FB friend bemoan the lack of separation of church and state... And then go on to say that this country was founded on Christian principles. #confusion I'm looking hard for a pot for her to piss in, but I'm coming up short.

HA omg. Yass. Okay so share your favorite shark tank episode story time, go!!!

Robert Herjavec is fuckin hot and rich, so.

Ok, I'm a bit outraged on your aunt's behalf. I just.... WHO THINKS THIS IS AN APPROPRIATE THING TO DO?! Without asking?! Why do weddings turn everyone into crazy people?

Meanwhile, over at wife academy, we drink cocktails and swap horror stories about men who apparently reached marriageable age without knowing how to cook, iron, or make a bed.

It's weird, we consider ourselves Midwesterners here in Chicago, but I'll be damned if this whole "Midwestern food sensibility" applies to the city. The idea that a place serving steak defaults to medium (instead of medium rare) is insane to me. Hell, I get my burgers medium rare any time I get the option.

if kbell and dax have been doing couples therapy i am once again super impressed and inspired. what a healthy responsible choice for parents in such a unique situation.


As a history teacher this makes me shake with rage. Fox commentators thinking history doesn't matter because they get bummed out having to think about slavery and the extermination of Native Americans is textbook white privilege.

See this movie immediately.

A brief memo to my fellow humans:

I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.

...what about a discussion about the point in a relationship where it's either take the next step, or go separate ways? every relationship gets there eventually, but there's not a whole lot of guidance to navigating the "we've been together six years, so are we gonna Do This or should we just split?" waters.