
Just finished reading Dave Cullen's book, "Columbine." I was not prepared how emotionally moving it was. Maybe those who survived that day may be sick of people asking them if they're ok. But I hope they are.

A couple of waiters lost their serving trays of hors d'ouvres entirely until they began holding on to them grimly with both hands, and even then, some of the puff pastries told them to go fuck themselves and made bids for freedom

It is tacky, stingy, and self-centered to tell someone s/he isn't authorized to bring a date to your wedding. That being said, it is a much bigger dick move for you to decide you don't want to be friends with the bride anymore, unfriend her on facebook, and then show up to her wedding so YOU can see your friends and

Also as the girl who outed Leo McGarry in the first season of West Wing.

Mellie is now the First Lady of Zero Fucks.

Meredith always hates her sisters the first time around. THEY'LL BE FINE.

Totally forgot Geena Davis was on this season! Woot! It looks like her storyline is going to mostly affect Robbins but I would KILL to see a Geena vs Bailey showdown.

I don't know how teachers do it. My old roommate taught preschool and holy shit, she got everything. But she loved those kids. Kudos to you for doing what you do, and I hope you feel better soon!

These are gorgeous, but so many light colors just scream "I don't have to take public transportation!". When I moved to New York I had just bought a cream colored pea coat...I'll let fellow commuters guess how long that looked presentable.

I don't think having the kids explain why they're panhandling door-to-door is a dick move. From what you described, they were doing a very inefficient form of Kickstarter. And the little shits should be able to explain why they're doing it besides "THANKS OBAMA".

So, I have not taken a Soul Cycle class, but even though I generally don't like group classes I love spinning - with the right instructor. It's a great workout and very individualized. You control the resistance on your bike, you're constantly changing up everything on your bike and biking to music with the right

Not sure if this is a breach of Kinja protocol, but I've been commenting for a bit now. The name was intended as a funny..... I miss being an active part of the conversation and would really like to take the black.

Guys, I won't say I'm in love. I auditioned for a singing contest, and I locked my knees and fainted. But when I walked out of the building I saw one of my guy-friends. Since I have three more auditions, he made me practice on him. I sang a song called "Close Your Eyes," and we slow-danced while I sang. And, I leaned

You can still raise money for cops who kill unarmed children, though. I will never, ever use this piece of crap site for anything again. GoFundMe can GoFuckItself.

Here's the thing - I don't see why it matters AT ALL. We all saw the tape of Rice dragging Palmer out of the elevator. What did people think happened? That she slipped? That she pulled out a bat and hit herself with it? That she was faking?

So his punishment right now is basically my normal life during a winter snowstorm? Fuck that.