
It's very very early but I might be getting a niece or nephew. This is one of the happiest days of my whole life.

We moved into our new house! It still looks like a disaster area but at least everything is either inside or in the garage. And for the first time in 5 years I have a garage!

on New Years Day, i was feeling oh so blue. so i reached out to you lovely people, and you helped me feel so, so much better.

so! i'd like to return the favor! i am sitting in front of my faux fireplace, watching Sansa Stark get married and drinking some badass Shiraz, and i am ready to lift some people up!


So, I was on okcupid for a while, but nothing was working out, and I deactivated my profile because I wanted a break. I think I'm ready to get back out in the dating scene. I don't know if I want to do okc again... What dating websites have you people used, and what did you like/dislike about them? I'm wondering if

Hey, friends. Can we please cut Doug some slack? It's one thing to address issues when they come up in his articles, but let's stop nitpicking every single thing he says or does. It's starting to become mean-spirited up in here and it's hurting my heart.

1) CALM DOWN, drink and/or sleep. It will make the night pass faster. 2) You are correct, in NO way do fights = breakup 3) If you truly feel the fault of fight is on you, then by all means figure out a nice gesture to say, 'Sorry I was an asshole' much as your bf would and will do when fault's on him 4) Ehh. You don't

Needing someone to talk me off the proverbial ledge that is letting my mind spiral away with my thoughts.

Two of my friends recently bought houses and I'm just honestly confused as to how they pulled it off. One has gone through a short sale just 2 years ago on a condo and then paid for her wedding. The other also paid for her wedding and only works sporadically in freelance design jobs. Yet they both own houses that are

I figure the easiest way to get over a heartbreak, is to set yourself up for a new one. That said, I have started responding to responses I have recieved on OkCupid and I have a date with someone next week, as well as several more in the works. Unlike last time, I know better than to put all of my emotional eggs in

I used it as a dating site; going on six months with my bf.

So....I think my boyfriend might want to marry me. This simultaneously makes me really happy and freaked out.

Just started watching Scandal because of seeing all of your posts about it. Let's just say I'm addicted. Thank you for it!

To be fair, I'd rather swiffer 10 houses over doing the laundry. I LOATHE the laundry.

You know as someone who has been called nasty names like kike and been asked before "what kind of people make the best fire wood???" before you would think I'd be used to the hate, but nope, this is something that should never be something someone is "used too". Anti-semitism is still incredibly strong in our society

I always chuckle when I hear people screaming about Common Core, especially when it comes to losing cursive. I wonder how they feel about us no longer teaching Latin in school?

I'm getting myself a master's degree which, oddly enough, is available online.

My primary partner has not seen her family in about five years and some of them have been reporting health problems lately - her grandparents in particular.

She sounds like she's being difficult just for the challah it

The Mister and I are celebrating our one year wedding anniversary! It’s been a pretty amazing year…I really didn’t think marriage would change our relationship at all (in a lot of ways, it hasn’t), but I feel like I’ve learned so much about compromise and communication. I just feel very lucky to have such a swell guy