
charters pay WAY less usually. They aren't unionized, so their teachers work longer hours for generally less pay.

I meant I'm in my 7th year of teaching. I'm now at 3rd grade, but have taught middle school. They can definitely be little assholes, but they're generally hilarious and totally get sarcasm, so I love them.

I'm a teacher (not high school) but LOVE it! I started off teaching middle school and have drifted my way to younger kids, but I'm in year 7 now and authentically love waking up to go to work most mornings. Teaching is awesome. And hard. And inspiring. And impossible.

You guuuuuys. I don't know what happened but suddenly all of my friends suck. Except they don't. They're just all married/with babies. Or moved and live far out of state. This leaves me with so many weekends of NOTHING to do. My boyfriend is great, and my best friend, but ever since we moved in last year we make way

Mellie is just everything. Traipsing around the White House in slippers, a rug and sweats eating cereal out of the box, and sarcastically HIGH-FIVING her president/husband?

I love being a teacher. I love my students. But every year I get cocky and think, "This is the year immune system. This is the year you won't fall victim to the Petri Dish we spend Monday-Fridays living in. You've been to exposed to it all before, bring it Ebola!"

Agree with other responders. You should definitely not got out of your way, or really make any effort to get the tool back to the tool (see what I did there?). If he gets in touch, then obviously give it back to him, but don't sweat it. He clearly hasn't missed it too much.

What's everyone up to tonight? Last night I played a fun game called "drink like you're still 22" and have been paying for it all. day. long. Couldn't eat anything until about 4:30 this afternoon, raging headache, etc, etc. If this is what a hangover at almost 30 feels like, I quit drinking forever and ever.

Ok, seriously. Fuck him. That's the worst. I once dated a guy casually (because I was hesitant too) and 5 months later found out he was married. So....commiserating lady. It'll get better. Don't glam yourself. You did nothing wrong. He is 100% at fault.

Congrats!! I loved teaching middle school (moved down to elementary now) you'll have so much fun! As of classroom stuff:

I'm in the exact same boat. By no means a super regular commentor, but a regular reader, and occasional poster. All of my posts are supportive or helpful, or looking for supportive/helpful advice, so it'd be nice to know I'm not in the greys.

I have no idea of the whereabouts of Katy Perry (nor do I want to) but.....there's a coffee shop down the street from me with a Delorean in it. And the neighborhood has hipster tendencies.

Seriously messed up!

Her kid is autistic (perhaps I watch too much Real Housewives), and there are some studies that specific diets like these help with autistic behavior and symptoms.

This! All of this! My exact interpretation of brunch!

Exact same thing happened to me a few months ago. It can be totally crushing, so I know what you mean, but worry not!

Nope. Did manage to take a shower around 3 to wash off the wine seeping out of my pores from last night, but then just put in yoga pants. Victory is mine!

Aw, you're a peach!

So a new teachers assistant was hired at the school I used to work at. From day 1 there was a lot of chemistry. Lots of flirting during lunch time, at teacher in services, etc. He'd always find a way to get assigned to my classroom, yada yada. So the school year ends and he asks for my personal email, and we begin

I'm all in the new friends train (also on the pointing out that he does have other friends who aren't assholes, who just unfortunately live in the burbs, train) but he doesn't seem to want to drop these guys like a bad habit. It seems like, for now, he'd rather just mope....which is so hard for me to let him do as I'm