
Congrats! That sounds like a lovely Sunday!

My students love Junie B. and as another commentator wrote, they're great books for kids who don't necessarily love reading or for kids who don't necessarily love school. Thank you Ms. Park for helping give many children,my students just a small handful, the gift of a good story!

Really trying to resist a woe is me post right now. But…

Huzzah on feeling the good feels instead of the depressed ones!

Ooh girl sending good vibes your way. Last year I had a similar meet the family moment. Met the WHOLE family at family Christmas at his aunts place. 'Twas a bit awkward, but that's most things in my life, so I just force myself to embrace it, cause what other options are there, ya know?

Aw man, that sucks. Sorry lady! I hate dating, so I wish you well for whenever it is you decide to jump on back in that ocean of fun.

I said it last night but I'll repeat - I'm totally in!!!! Especially now while the man is out of the country for a while. I need new friends!!

I second the rec for Antique Taco - so good!!

Oh lady friend. That sucks. You will be ok though. (I know those can easily sound like hollow words, but I mean them). During times like this I usually give myself a set time limit of moping and feeling bad. Like a solid day or 2 to just feel like shit, and then I force myself to do something I know I'll semi enjoy,

Thanks for the kind words and excellent perspective everyone! I know the 5 weeks will fly by (ok, so I HOPE that) - I'm planning lots of projects and it'll be a busy time at work so that should help refocus me. Plus I'll have all of you to rely on! :)

Ooh I'm in!

Oh Jezzies. What a weird day. Dropped my mister off at the airport early this am. He'll be working in Milan for the next 5 weeks. I was totally fine about it ("it'll be so good for us!" "It'll be such a. Good growing experience!" Blah blah blah) until last night. Started crying during snuggle time once it hit me that

Plus healthiness and feeling sexiness is so much more than a number on the scale. I've been getting really into spin classes for the past 4 months or so, and was feeling like a sex-machine as a result (the legs! the things spinning does to your legs!) but then I recently was weighed at my doctor's office and it was

That actually makes me feel a million times better. My bff on the other coast said the same thing - that she likes to feel like she has options and is in control. The boy and I have also never lived together (obviously) nor with any previous partners, so I think there's a major transition thing going on that we're

Yeah. I'm definitely not planning on bringing it up tonight. You're so right about the rash, emotional talk vs. the calm, rational one. Or bringing up the text-read part ever. I definitely learned my lesson there (the hard way).

So, guys, I did something stupid. Monumentally stupid. I read a few texts on my boyfriends phone/iPad. (I KNOW. I feel like an ass. I totally invaded his privacy and am ashamed and embarrassed and mortified.) But...while reading a text with his best friend, my boyfriend asked if he could crash with said friend if he

As a teacher, I've got to respond. I think universal preschool is a fan-freaking-tastic idea - but not for the ideas mentioned. The ideas mentioned fall scarily close to the 'teachers as glorified babysitters' idea. And while to many, preschools may look like coloring pictures and playing dress up, preschool teaches

Granted, I teach elementary and not middle school, but....

Ok, so I can speak from experience. I was TERRIFIED of this happening, and then bit the bullet and did it anyways (you should feel free to read 'bit the bullet' as 'my friends got me a little drunk and forcibly wrote my profile for me'). I actually did get matched with a friend once, and we both were humiliated by it,

The logistics of this are mindblowing. I am a teacher, and at times, have to keep my super sharp 'Teacher Only' scissors put away from my 8 year old students.