Michael Spencer

The "drop in" music after the "dead" cold start- there are terms for these things I'm sure- but when his music comes on as I know it will week after week, underscoring what is usually something just completely surprising, never ever gets tired. Ever.

Same thing: the whole Chuck-interviews-for-a-job thing was simply the writers building up his character in a very cheesy way. You know. Instead of actually showing him doing worthy stuff?

Every single week I watch this show, admittedly entertained. And every single week my wife and I look at each other and ask: "Why does Chuck hate Axe so much?" Why are they spending so many budget dollars on a case when there's no actual and obvious crime–other than some sideways glances telling us that they just

I'll never forget Quinn's scenes in S4 while staying at the motel, partying with the 'plus-size' lady (forgot her name) and trying to stay out of the game while all the time being drawn back in from two directions. Those episodes filled in so much of his character.

New guy here:

I have a hard time seeing Tawney as anything more than a Stepford Wife. The notion of here 'growing' just seems odd. Here present situation is a lot more like a 15 year old house cat thrown out to fend for itself.

Amanita's fake-smoking bugs me. Actors can fake-sip coffee or Jim Beam effectively, but smoking never works. I don't care if characters smoke- and it seems right for Amantha, oddly sexual, even, in the opening credits- but a non-smoker can't fake smoking.

Hmm. and I thought it was just us, cursed with the scurvy-pilot-from-hell-with-laff-trac that inserted itself into Netflix streams at every pause.