
I don't think there was any indication that they reused PPE - I was jut responding to someone else who said that. It was more that they didn't have proper PPE and they didn't have proper disposal for old PPE. The nurses had to improvise a way to remove the PPE and dispose of it (in plastic bags in the room next door).

I am so, so lucky. 2 months after baby was born I was like "shit I need some new mom friends". So I started a meetup group. The first meetup had some extreme weirdos, one of who exclaimed she was already feeling crushing despair at the prospect of her kid sleeping through the night because they needed her less (the

" remember that it's really about your kids."

1. I've always felt like making friends as an adult feels a lot like dating. There has to be mutual interest and invitations, and sometimes there are rejections.

I am none of the things on the list, but I only have a problem with 2 of them: anti-vaxers and too dumb - both for safety reasons.

Wait, is it bad to be a "cry-it out" er? That shit was hard work, and not for everyone, but sheesh, I had no idea that would keep someone from being friends with me. I'm friends with co-sleepers, and I would never do it, but different strokes for different folks, right?

Montana is lovely for vacation...but let's talk before people pin their hopes on Frenchtown.

It's by far the most sophisticated part of Montana. The markets! The nightlife!

Funny. I'm from Montana and graduated in the top 1% of my NY law class. Couldn't wait to get back. But, yeah, you're right. We must all be stupid based upon your experience with one nice lady at a dude ranch that caters to tourists. Little tip- if she works at a dude ranch, she has seen plenty of non-white

Anecdotal but I was raised in Maine, left for college and jobs but ended up coming back because I love it. Most people I know who moved wish they hadn't and a lot more would prefer to stay regardless of whether they moved here or were born/raised here. Of the people I know who want to leave, most have never lived

Born in Seattle, lived for 25 years in California, and moved to Oregon 20 years ago. I'm not going anywhere! :-)

Moved from Illinois to Montana three years ago and you couldn't pay me enough to move back. This state is so freaking gorgeous and the outdoor recreation opportunities are insane.

I served for 26 years alongside many black women who wore their hair as depicted in the photos (not the headband, though). They looked tidy and professional and it in no way negatively impacted their job performance. This was an unnecessary rule. You deal with individuals who don't comply with regulations by adopting

Re-read that again. There is nothing in there about "only acceptable reasons." There are contraindications—when you definitely do not vaccinate— and there are times to take caution and for a doctor to use their best medical judgment. The precautions exist so that doctors can evaluate their individual patients based

Also her book about the Royal family having to move into public housing was some of the best satire ever written.

Oh NOO! I had to go to England every other summer (British mom, erm, "mum"). I was about 12 or 13 when I discovered the Adrian Mole diaries. 25 years later, and I still have my rat-eared copies of the series. I took much solace in both the humor of her work. I envied him though, his brilliant lack of self-awareness

Meh - she can do way better. He's going to age lizard-British style so quickly.

It is so fabulous, NAY, revolutionary! to have this in a red state such as Nebraska. Fine, it was a purple state back in 2008. But still.

It's tough, because almost all of these are simultaneously over-prescribed and under-prescribed — by which I mean given liberally to folks who don't need them, while there remain a huge number of folks who DO need them and don't have access. There's also the stigma. It's bad enough I take my Citalopram and