
Throw it away as bio-hazard unless there was a problem at delivery (preterm delivery, etc) then it it sent to pathology. I suppose they can't sell it as people would have to sign a consent if it were not going to be destroyed.....or are the hospitals running on placenta power?

Very belated- but thanks! Starting next week and I need some good thoughts to gear up for the upcoming tidal wave of hormones

It is terrible. Doing a SANE evaluation is a forensic nursing skill. Often times those who are selected prior to receiving training are nurses who have many years working ER and or OBGYN. This is a very patient centered evaluation that needs to be completed by individuals with good patient care skills. Maybe we can

First off. I am sorry you are going though this. It sounds like you have had workups so that is a good place to start.

Jezebel what is up with the nurse image for this post? What nurses nurses uniform these days has a button up white shirt/dress? It has been 30+ years since nurses in this country have worn that type of attire. Not saying that comic character scrubs are elevating our image but the naughty/slutty nurse in tight white

Billable hours. This is unlikely to carry a high rate of reimbursement and can be done by an RN instead.

Agreed. Nurses are portrayed so poorly by the media. This is not to say that doctor's aren't as well, but at least doctors are not shown as hapless, sex symbols, non-essential or mix of all these traits. It irks me too that nurses roles are so often ascribed to doctors in media. Seriously a doctor, resident or not,

Gold Bond Ultra healing lotion is nectar of the God's! I am a nurse and my winter hands are so crapped and chapped it is sinful. This is the only thing that seems to work that is not greasy.

Thank you. If I could only just get everyone in my life to read and understand these rules.....

I don't live in Mississippi but I live in a conservative dominated state and am surrounded by people who would think that these are the greatest initiatives that were ever written. It is exhausting to spend your entire day wasting your breath on people who are too ignorant to explore any news source beyond Fox News,

You can have medical interventions and not have an OBGYN as your practitioner. OB's are surgeons, have limited time, lots of training, and like to perform surgery. This all just equals an increase in c-sections. OB's have worked very hard to keep this business limited to their profession. You can give birth in a

If you give birth in a birthing center your birth will likely be a Certified Nurse Midwife. CNM's are licensed in every state in the US. A CNM and a lay midwife are very different things. A CNM is a nurse practitioner who has a master's degree in nursing. Lay midwifes are licensed in certain states and the amount of

Ass-hat is the perfect description of this woman. I hope this girl can move past being raised by such a poor excuse for parenting.

One people who are in trouble with CPS always say that they are being treated unfair, that the CPS worker doesn't like them, that the judge is against them, etc. I hear this all the time in my line of work and these people saying that they are being made an example of sent up a huge waiving, burning red flag. CPS

Bless you for making my Sunday!

I think that there is a lot of judgment on this topic. I am infertile and only 30. I have not waited too long or focused on my career. Adoption is enormously expensive in most cases and can be very intrusive. I have had one failed IVF cycle and will go through one more. This is a life changing problem and picking on

Thank you! All of these people judging about IVF should go out and adopt then if everyone should do it.

I am a nurse in labor and delivery and this is sadly sometimes the advice that woman are given. The professional organizations representing nurses and doctors in these areas (ACOG and AWOHNN) give far different advice obviously. They recommend that all pregnant women quit smoking and abstain from smoking. The doctors