
Play the Witcher 2. I can't stress how good that game is and it covers the areas you are talking about. Most of the moral ambiguity in the Witcher 2 is shades of grey, which is amazing and so different from Bioware RPGs. PLAY THE WITCHER 2 IF YOU LIKE RPGS!

I have only played 2 mmos where I truly enjoyed leveling a healer. Age of Conan (really good combat and healing system) and Guild Wars 1 (the sub-class system made healers awesome). Most of the time healing is a chore, so it is nice to see they did that right.

Have you played the Witcher 2? Can you seriously tell me that Portal 2 is better than that game?

Skyrim was really good but as an RPG it fails to tell a compelling story and that is the main point of an RPG for me. The Witcher 2 takes GOTY because it is so well made and the story is heads above anything else out there.

The Witcher 2 was my game of the year. Nothing else is even close, I didn't even consider Portal 2. The Witcher 2 is a big AAA title and not from a known dev though, so I knew it wouldn't win since they are based on a popularity contest and less on actual quality. The Witcher 2 had a dynamic story system that has

Try it on glass and get back to me. There is only one mouse I know of that will do that: Roccat Kone.

"Razor rakes in 50m, laughs at consumers who bought their cheaply-made, overpriced products with the worst drivers known to man."

Comparing a Valve game with no environment physics to Frostbite is not fair in the least. I have minimal issues with lag in the game, but I do agree with you somewhat. Battlefield has never been the smoothest, most-lag free game, but that attests to the fact that Dice tries to do things no other company does in their

LOL, art? It's based off of a damn comic book, one of the most accessible mediums there is. If that doesn't justify it, then nothing will.

The studio made him do this so that everyone will be forced to see the movie 5 times to understand Bane.

It's alright, I won't judge you. I only feel disgust looking at people like them and I have a hard time not showing it. I will NEVER allow myself to become Jabba the Hutt and I have no respect at all for a person who allows themselves to become like this. Maybe social disdain will get people like this to change.

You know she was with him for the money. No woman would willingly put up with that sickly looking dead animal of neck-beard, without monetary compensation.

Less McGuyvered, more Robinson Crusoed.

I think women look great in sweatpants if they have a decent figure. Don't get me started on stretchpants though. There are very few women who can pull them off correctly in public. Either they are too skinny or too fat and just look terrible.

I am sorry but you can't tell Hathaway is good from just one line. I still think she is a bogus choice.

Exactly, that is why don't say it is Link in Skyrim. More like, crappily modded Zelda armor in Skyrim.

HAHAHAHAHAH you are comparing Guild Wars 2 to Rift! You lost all respect by saying that and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Compared to Guild Wars, Rift was a failure, a joke, and a shitty game. They aren't even in the same category.

Well considering the original was never really placed to take on MMORPGs as it was more of an action RPG and lacked the open worlds seen in MMOs. The game sold more than 7 million copies and still has a thriving community to this day because it was never subscription based. Also I had several friends play that game

After seeing the Lightning FXIII model, this just looks terrible and lazy. It looks NOTHING like link at all.

The ONLY game that can take on WoW at this point, is Guild Wars 2. I am actually pretty confident that game will crush WoW and steal many of their subscribers.