
@BigBooBuddy: And that right there is why our society is sad.

@Willardo: Lol, that's exactly what I was thinking.

@Kenshi_Ryden: Heavenly Sword came out before COD4, so your whole argument is bunk.

@BigBooBuddy: Call of Duty was not original or maybe it was for a COMMERCIAL title. Mods had been doing the level up/RPG style mechanic for multiplayer shoooters for years. Call of Duty just brought it to the arcade shooting masses.

Why should we care at all what a script writer has to say about the game industry? If you aren't knowledgeable in the subject I don't want to hear it.

Sad thing is, it looks ALOT better then the ones in Half Life 2. I always thought they were a pretty pathetic enemy, but this statue is awesome.

Why should I give a shit what this fool has to say?

@Mokon: It's to protect children and to frustrate everyone else. Seriously they should have some kind of language filter or ability similar to that. Doing this is horrible.

I saw the Viper Club in downtown Salt Lake City yesterday. They were chilling outside our 5-star hotel with all their vipers and trailers. It was a nice sight.

I tried it. It sucks.

"Oh so those are your favorite apps! Mine are the ones that let me kick-ass and chew...oh wait someone is abducting me. Gotta go. By the way, your book club sucks, the Duke doesn't read anything unless there is nude babes in it"

I feel like a douchebag just looking at that picture.

@EliteGeek: Yeah, it's weak that it doesn't even walk. It is skating along the ground instead. Also for 21,600 what is up with the damn arms not moving?

I would really like to see the face of that luscious chest.

@NeonLight: We would have no horror without Lovecraft. Think of people's fascination with Tolkien and you can understand why.

I have been working on a total conversion for Crysis for the past 2 years that is based on Cthulhu and Lovecraft. I am excited to see how well they can do, but I think we nailed the atmosphere pretty well in our version.

Damn, there is a red one of these that I see tooling around my town sometimes. It is in much better shape than this one is though. I wonder if it has been restored too?

Ooooh, me likey! I already thought the current gen GTR was a pretty decent looking vehicle, but this they made it look much more aggressive. And say what you want about LED headlights, but leds last for many hours longer then conventional lights.

I want to try this around the inside of my asus notebook but it scares the shit out of me. I wish I could see a before and after shot to help me. Did you do the inside of your EEE as well?

@APStorm: Half-Life's ladders are a joke. You just walk up and glide up them. There is no animation or even a change in speed. It is basically a path leading straight up.