
@smackela: Jesus, did anyone make it past that corner? I guess the guy who wins that race is the one who finishes.

Anything featuring Best Motoring's Touge challenges. Those guys are MAD good at drifting.

@Monolith: Keep dreaming, I have no hope for a story of that complexity from Capcom.

@ArynThysis: If this doesn't irritate you, then you are obviously not the biggest Devil May Cry fan ever.

@ArynThysis: Dante is NOT a scrawny little bitch like the one shown in the trailers. That irritates me the most since one of the reasons I play DMC is for the awesomeness of the characters. I cant take this fools seriously, doesn't matter how good the game is.

Now let's see a WRC win!

@Rocketeer: How about the Z8? Isn't it more rare?

@MikeHerbst: Oooh that 's a sexy beast. I would love to see ANY Lancia in the US.

This is the other one I would choose. I saw this car driving on the freeway and had to do a double take because I couldn't tell what the hell it was at first. Alpina is my favorite BMW tuner.

Damn, this is a close one. I think I have to go with this though.

@Xenoxus: Funny thing is I see those all the time, one parks across the street from my friend's house. My buddy's brother has one as well.

Fuck, one of my coworkers calls me Tom Brady because of my hair. This just makes it even worse. :(

@ortizlgnd4: Why are you defending it so vehemently?

@Funkmeister: Lol, what a hardcore PC fiend. I love me some FPS games on the PC (I have 3 gaming computers by the way). But I still will play a console fps if it is good. I'm actually really excited for Killzone move, because I am such a hardcore PC gamer.

@ortizlgnd4: You forget it takes a SIGNIFICANT portion of processing power despite your "no additional hardware required claims".

@lostarchitect: Exactly, when they could be out there catching robbers and such. Hey police, I don't mind the quotas if you would catch the bastard that stole my car!

@Jay Phelps: I'd rather they focus on catching the real violent criminals. Most of the shit they cops deal with is a waste of time.

@t0ughguy0: My issue with it is, they could be out stopping real crime instead of wasting their time and our money on this quota bullshit.

@hoocli: Exactly, people think drifting is just like those Fast and the Furious movies. The real drift scene is nothing like that.

The combat looks terrible.