
This looks absolutely terrible. You don't just stand there and punch each other over and over in a fight. There seems to be no dynamic motion at all.

I fail to see the tragedy behind the death of some jackass who drove their car off of a cliff while "Tweeting".

@Googlo The Otaku Pillow: That thing is terrible. I am a huge gamer and I wouldn't be caught dead with that horrendous object.

@simonbarsinister: Wrong, there is still an active debate on whether defragging is needed for SSD. I currently use diskeeper with a tool called Hyperfast which speeds up my Flashdrives by logically ordering the data.

@SpartanLady: Bullshit, then don't post on the public internet. It would be one thing if they went to her site and posted things like that, but it was posted on a public zone like Youtube. I hope this money grubbing whore loses and gets shafted with a huge legal bill for wasting everyone's time.

@softsmyth: You still have to defrag. That is a problem inherent with the way the data is stored.

@MartyKirra: I hate the shit out of Michael Cera. The boy has no acting ability besides playing "Michael Cera" in every role. I can't stand actors like that.

@dennis636223: Not really, if an alligator or something was causing a ruckus a net would be used there too. They havent harmed the pigeons in any way.

@Revelation2213: When the ladders are like 200 feet tall, climbing up to a sniper perch in a tower.

Only one FPS game has ever done ladders right and that is Crysis. The ladders are extremely well implemented and actually look great with a neat animation.

@BiggieShorty: I would irritate the hell out of you then. I have a full suspension that I use for jumping stairs and such. Since I bunny-hop all the time, I leave the seat as low as it can go so it doesn't smack me in the nads. I always get people complaining that the seat is too low, but when I need the torque from

Spokeless Design=Cool

If starships look like this, then we are never going to get to space.

Peugeot 20Cup 3 Wheeler Concept. A beauty of a French vehicle which never made it into production.

@tekdemon: I knew it had some sort of power, but I didn't think it had the required voltage for usb. Thanks for the info.

Talk about a relationship breaker. I would kick that woman to the curb after she ratted me out.

There is no way this is possible. For one thing the USB needs power which the serial port can't provide.

That's what you get for buying a trash of a car that flips over in a stiff breeze.

What everyone doesn't realize is that they had the nuggets, they were just out of her special sauce.