
Maybe I'm a bit of a dolt who likes things spelled out too clearly, but one line from Josh – "How long are you going to be here?" – does not make for satisfying character development/dynamics for me.

I guess we'll see when Season Three comes out. But given how many elements on this show are raised only to be haphazardly discarded, I'll be surprised to see any meaningful follow-up to this scene.

That's an interesting reading, but one that I would say is overly generous to the show, which has done little of the spadework necessary to establish that thematic connection.

I'll say the same thing to that that I did to SlamAdams' comment below: yours is an interesting idea, but one that I think requires a lot of generosity from the viewer, as little of that line of thinking is presented in the show itself.

Strutting into Paddy’s with a boom box blasting The Talking Heads’ “Psycho Killer,”…

Of all the stuff in this season that wearied me, the scene with Buzz and Josh was one of the worst. To end on the revelation that Josh's melancholy is owed primarily to Maura's transition really negates the rest of his stories this season.

There's a great version of Stickerbrush Symphony hidden in a stage in Tropical Freeze

I agree with both of you. The scenes with Maura show hints of a promising series, but they are always buried by the lazy and haphazard scenes surrounding the other characters.

Don't worry, folks. He'll get the help he needs.

From McSweeney's: Things Hagrid the Half-Giant Would Say if he Served Jesus Instead of Harry Potter.

Bret? Present.
Jemaine? Present.
And Murray, present.

You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.

There were a couple of instances this season where an episode began by negating the dramatic progression of a previous episode (Dev didn't get the role in The Sickening – oh wait, he did! Rachel is getting together with her ex – nah, nevermind, he's out of the picture!) so sending Dev back to New York in season two

I found it troublesome that this episode featured a scene of the women from the commercial shoot presenting Dev with a gift in gratitude for his efforts on their behalf. To begin with, he didn't set out to get them better roles on the commercial, it happened without his realizing it. In fact, he was a little annoyed

The song is like gossamer, and one doesn't dissect gossamer.

While I can see that sort of behavior being irksome or even mildly detrimental to the advancement of humankind, it seems – to my eyes, anyway – trivial when compared to behavior that is greatly detrimental to human progess. Like police brutality, for one.

Who would shit on a flag made of shit? It would be an empty gesture.

Parker and Stone are more commenting on the dangers of insincere empathy.

Interesting, thank you. I suppose I can't really comment on that topic one way or another, as I'm not trans, nor do I know anything about the behind-the-scenes workings of the show.

Where has the backlash been? I feel like I've been waiting to see some since the show first aired.