
Hopefully this will mark the end of "Hannah and Her Horse".

I'm lovin' gout!™

And though the buttholes were rather small, they had to count them all.
— A Day in the Butt

Don't let's start this thread..

Oliver! gave us Jack Wild, who went on to H.R Pufnstuf. So a lifetime pass for all concerned.

I have to assume Wilco had a conversation like:
"We have to give our free Internet album a name. What's popular on the Internet?"
"Star Wars!"
"Ok, done."

I came here for this comment, was not disappointed.

But will Oliver still say "Let's suit up" and then grab the bow, knowing full well he has to put it back down so he can actually put the suit on?

AVClub, I see what you did there.

For some reason, I hear that line in Colin Meloy's voice.

20 Feet From Franco
Franco! The Story of Franco
Super Franco Me


I liked the part where some guy punched Zach Braff in the face. I wonder if that was a Kickstarter reward.

It's not a bad little trailer. It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.

Yep.  A few weeks ago it won the CMA for "Song of the Year".  Hardly an unproduced song.

Yep.  A few weeks ago it won the CMA for "Song of the Year".  Hardly an unproduced song.

Can we get Young the Giant to remake this?

Can we get Young the Giant to remake this?

Jesus, does anyone?