
This is true. Many of these “sales” aren’t actually saies. They are just the normal price for something with a sale sticker on it.

This is true. Many of these “sales” aren’t actually saies. They are just the normal price for something with a sale

Yeah, but you know what wifi really is? Radiation. And radiation is bad. Haven’t you seen that documentary Godzilla? Wake up, sheeple!

Somehow, I’ll have to contain my disappointment. The DNC did what it did do make sure another Dem. wins. The Berni diehards are just like the PUMAs from 2008. It is ironic that the same demographic is now against HRC and for an old white man. Politics is the art of the possible. Pursuing the impossible is a waste of

“The DNC had an obligation to stay neutral during the nominating process...”

I thought they already made a remake and called it Tommorowland.

If you want my body and you think I’m sexy...

I think the first time I got gold was with a fancy way of calling Ted Cruz a peice of shit. I still don’t have the slightest idea what gold does.

I watched this yesterday. It is not a good movie. Not only for the WTF sex scene, but the ending. It doesn’t make any sense. The only redeeming part is Hamil’s crazy music number while he is toruring Gordon with gimp babies. What the fuck was with the gimp babies?

The SATA to USB cable code does not work. Shame.

The SATA to USB cable code does not work. Shame.

Green one is still availible.

Green one is still availible.

Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.

OJ was found innocent in criminal court, but not civil court. Not exactly the same thing. The Right Wing Entertainment Complex has been after the Clintons for decades. The Establishment media has been as well. So far they don’t have shit. Until there is evidence of an actual crime, you are just blowing smoke up your

Except that isn’t a fact. That is why we have courts: to determine fact from bullshit. Unless you have a conviction, it is bullshit.

Isn’t InfoWars missing you right about now? You better go see what the New World Order is up to this week. I hear the Globalists are trying to make us share bathrooms with our Reptilian Overlords.

Ship design in Star Wars has always been about what looked cool instead of what is practical. It is Fantasy, not Science Fiction. That is why X-Wings in 4 acted like air planes despite the battle taking place in space. You don’t bank in space without variable angled thrust (BSG Vipers got this right). Trying to find

Not to mention the awesome 8-bit 3 inch targeting screen. No wonder using The Force worked out better.

“When something doesn’t makes sense, a wizard did it.” - Lucy Lawless

I’ll be in my cheese bunk.

She was good in Broadchurch too.

He did great in The Night Manager. Could totally see him in the role.