
You should fuck off.


Fuck off.

Why don't the people saying that Nazis are Democrats and Leftists tell Trump that? And then tell him again.Trump will take any opportunity to trash Democrats and Leftists, so he will obviously denounce Nazis once he is told this, right?

You are a moron.

Just in case anyone was curious, this is the first post that this person made with this account:

You said that you gave twenty minutes ago. Is this diversity of thought? Saying something and then contradicting yourself?

Just for the sake of clarity: I also like to treat people as individuals. I don't hate all White people for being White. I hate you, as an individual, for being White.

You heard the Commissioners, cigarette. Just let the Nazis run wild for a while; they will eventually grow out of it and everything will settle down.

Who would have thought that call for equal rights would backfire?

Yes, sure. Plead with the people who have not been fantasizing about hitting people with cars for the past few months. Where else are you pleading?

Bye. Don't get hit by a speeding car on your way out.

Just like a White person to talk about individualism after a whole bunch of White people do something terrible. Is this what is meant by ideological diversity? Thinking differently?

Why go through all the trouble setting up the crucifix when I can just ram you with my car? I sort of have to now, if only to prove your point about how the Left and Right are all the same.


Gods, Davos. She's his Aunt! His AUNT! Not his sister. Gods.

But not quite smart enough to avoid the supercrossbow.

I see that that is not a selling point for you.

Scene? What do you mean scene? That is at least twenty minutes of the movie. Maybe forty.

I don't remember the trailer, but I remember thinking that it looked interesting enough, even if I may not have entirely understood what it was going to be about. The movie is kind of told in an odd manner. The lead-up to the main story takes about twenty minutes and may as well be its own movie. Then the movie starts