
Man, you are the one who is curious.

Was he Ben Carson or David Clarke?

There is a mockumentary out there called CSA, made by a Black professor who does quite a bit of work that focuses on black issues. Reaction was, mixed, to say the least. So, if he could not get a universal seal of approval, do you honestly expect Mr. Rape and Mr. Torture to get a better response?

You are talking about the guys who were totally fine with turning at least two sex scenes into rape scenes and giving little indication that they understood what people's problems were. And now they want to make a show about slavery. Other than the premise itself, there is a reason why many are not giving them the

There are already so many shows; we could use a reduction.

I am pretty sure that O'Neal addressed that in the fourth paragraph, out of six.

Wow. This has been up for under 40 minutes and there are already a bunch of deleted posts.


Someday a real rain will come and wash all this garbage and cheap machetes off the streets.

Your druids were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

From what I gather, Roman was showing off a gun magazine and said that he had a gun. The other guy disputed this gun-having claim, and the whole thing deteriorated from there.

Maltbrew originally said "colored people" and changed it to "black people" only after everyone pointed out that using that term completely undermined any potential value of an already suspicious line of inquiry. Things may have been different had Maltbrew had only either used the term "colored people" OR made the

So sad.

The best Spam. Fantastic. Tremendous. You wouldn't believe it. It's unbelievable. Believe me. Just amazing. It's great.

Every time can be lunchtime in America. That's freedom.

He is too busy fixing things.

I am sure that the lunch being served is super-healthy. Probably has some of that vitality stuff mixed in.

We pretty much know where you stand. Unless you actually have something substantial to add aside from "what ifs" and "how do we know thats", then it is my opinion that you have done enough already. You are free to say whatever you want, but I doubt that you can effectively dig yourself out of this if that is even your

Oh, you come in with the "talent" argument for a story about slavery and somehow not only did not expect people to be condescending in the first place, but expected people to stop being condescending because you asked politely?