
I hate that people are fucking whining now over racial charged humor. For christ sake! Its Comedy, Its Funny. Racial Jokes are hilarious. This whole country really has a stick up their ass.

I keep Hearing about How Steven Universe has the worst fans in he industry. I guess it true.

This shit is ruining Japan. How many things have to be turned into little girls who are also idols. Its creeping into fire emblem and tekken and other shit. Please japan stop. Make Goemon Again

You know you just descirbe almost every mobil game gameplay

the drawing lady is sisfdndsofinwlfnewl

Im Offended. How dare they make a joke out of mental illness.

But thats everyone fuckin live event now. OKay the new thing to waste your time on now is pokemon. Go to any event and everyone is trying to record it on their dumb fucking phone. Its stupid.

Maybe creators are tired of fans being so entitled. Its a cartoon drawing


Why is this such an issue? I never understood it. Its not like they ever promised this, it was all based on rumors. Also link looks like a girl, thanks to anime

This is DISGUSTING! My future granddaughter could see this filth.............................................

What do you expect. Both sides are at fault for this. The internet demands peoples heads for having views they dont agree with or opinions. Im not following this issue 100%, but she likes some kind of weird anime. I dont know and dont care. She didnt deserve to be fired, but thats what places like Gawker encourage.

This is dumb. People are upset over this pose.....We are becoming way too Sensitive. So someone complained who cares.

MAKE A NEW GOEMON! and Not a Pachinko Slot...You already did that.

WOw this is the big issue we are debating. an ass slap.... Who cares if its in there to begin with. Japanese games have stuff like that all the time. Get over it people.

She is too pretty. Get Someone like a John Cena as the leading lady

give the show a chance. Would you rather have them dead again. The shows not bad, i enjoyed it. Its also the first fuckin episode

How are Bowser and DK. are they worth to choose the wii u version over ps4. I want ps4 for the pretty graphics...but bowser looks awesome

You are so fucking wrong. The surface is an amazing device. Its a fucking fantastic device for any professional artist. You can run all your programs in a powerful compact design. You sir a dingbat.

this review is bullshit. Battle of the gods was amazing. Fuckin buu would not give Beerus his pudding cups