
Coulson wouldn’t have believed a single word out of Ward’s mouth. Ward will always be a traitor to Coulson and the point was to bring in a character who could plausibly make Coulson question everything that’s happened. Though he’s not been seen since what, season 2? Mike Peterson has been an ally and a friend. So

Hey “Mac-elena!” (Owroof!)

Part of what I love about Coulson is that he really hasn’t changed. Everyone else around him is constantly changing and in a way, I find it kind of refreshing that he doesn’t change. No matter what hell they go through, he’s just this incredibly steadfast character. And, personally, I love that about him. Could the

Coulson and Mike had a lot of history - from Coulson getting Mike detained to Mike getting Phil abducted. It was both friends and enemies and sllies and I think Coulson was more likely to believe someone wearing Mike’s face than Ward’s. And Peterson was around from episode one. I thought that was a nice circle.

Now playing

No more delays. No more waiting. Neither space nor time nor crazy robot girlfriends could keep them apart for long but why risk it? They tried to do some world saving first and ended up with Fear dimension creeping in. So no more stalling.

Deke knocking back Zimas and gorging on onions rings was a dang delight. As was his saying the only thing a time traveller should when arriving somewhere in the past.

This episode was a mess, in the way that I don’t think it was as bad as the review states yet at the same time I don’t disagree with any of the points raised. There was some solid acting, real tension and - logically, if not rationally - a catharsis to the whole OTA vs NTA beef that’s been stewing for a while.

The whole ‘they’ll never get the money by being nice to Not-laurel’ shtick that Dinah and Rene were doing was insane. They never had an actual plan to get the money, they just wanted to murder her apparently.

The combination of Katie Cassidy, Paul Blackthorne and Willa Holland was so wasted this episode it’s not even funny. I mean, the dialogue was bad all around, but those three actually pulled off giving it some meaning that wasn’t too gross (I almost bought the whole ‘daddy saves Laurel’ thing as Laurel just needing

Ohh boy that was just not good at all. Am I the only one that wasn’t invested at all in Dinah and Vince? Their relationship was just a nothing to me so her whole quest for vengeance just rang hollow. Now its completely justified to criticise original team arrow as they can be shitty people but I totally agree that the

I had to pause the episode multiple times during any scene with Team Not Arrow. I WAS SEETHING. Every episode that goes by, I think that they are past the point of redemption or likability, and somehow they keep doubling down. Yes, Team Arrow didn’t handle the situation in the best way, but their motivations were in

I am not always a fan of Major’s storylines, but him having to mentor troubled young zombies seems like an ideal use of his character, that sadly is fairly sure to end in heartbreak, because Major

The joke isn’t really about writers, it’s about how SF fandom is still shooting itself in the foot over convention organisation. Just about every convention has some awful PR disaster about a male-only panel, or a male moderator who shuts down female speakers.

I was amazed at how well Franz Drameh as Jax came through in the big scenes with the dying Stein, Stein’s wife and daughter, and at the funeral. Of all the terrific performances in the crossover, I think his was my favorite.

I expected a lot of things from this crossover, but not that the finale would have me tearing up at several points, for a variety of well-earned moments: Seeing a Leo(nard) Snart who is well and truly happy and in love; Russell Tovey getting some superhero shine; and that the death (for now?) of Martin was treated

It was like they had never encountered a miniseries before. Like, Defenders JUST happened this summer. 

THANK YOU for finally abandoning the conceit that this is “not a regular episode” that the three other reviewers used as an excuse for knocking off points.

Legit teared up at Stein’s funeral. Was bummed by his being killed off but it really does make a lot of sense dramatically. Will miss Victor Garber.

I for one, am pro “Toit Nups.”

The entire wedding vendor montage was full of a lot of sweet jokes about how well Jake and Amy know each other: Crossword Puzzle flower bouquets? Nakatomi Plaza wedding cake where the Groom is hanging off the buiding with a firehose? Yes to all of these.

I think it’s less about making them the same character but more that they make each other better. He has helped her loosen up and get a little goofy - S1 Santiago would never have said ‘toit nups’ or considered a Nakatomi Plaza cake and she would have had a meltdown (complete with smoking) after the venue setback. I