;) Thanks much!
;) Thanks much!
These past couple weeks have been SO GOOD for that, too! The interns who “petitioned” for a better dress code, and then this? I love it.
HI FRIEND! AAM is an essential part of my morning ritual. (I also read Dear Abby and Ask Amy, largely for the entertainment value when their response smacks of Downton Abbey ideals.)
I LOVE it when Alison has a chance to tear someone a new one. I don’t doubt this is real. Assholes are everywhere.
Jia, this is so powerful. Thank you for reporting this story, and thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your heart-wrenching story. The bravery it took to share this will be matched in support.
I’m in the middle of a huge joke-fight with my BF about Pastor Tim.
At least it was quick?
It’d make sense — it’s the “Americans” version of Old Yeller. And it’d move her from reluctant witness in the KGB to more of an apprentice role.
SAMMMMEEEEE. Pastor Tim is such a creepy fuckface.
Or, you know, just remove your comment. Kinja allows that, right?
Well, she’s probably used to dating people who look like her since she’s the quintessential example of “basic white woman.”
I’m so, so, so sorry for your loss. But also, thanks for making me cry at work.
Madeleine — I LOVE that you love Kate Bush. What’s your go-to gym jams? I find a lot of her stuff a bit too slow for my gym needs, so I’m curious.
[we should clarify why this specifically lands like an insult—this’ll get us in trouble otherwise —let me know if this works]
Thanks, Republicans, for your fanatical love of guns. How many people will it take before we fix this?
Where is Madeleine?! Does she no longer do Dirt Bag?