mr spork

Liter of cola!

Now I have that Mr. Mister song in my head.

Never heard of that site, but if it's any good, I'm guessing Google will change something and make it suck.

The other: Angela Lansbury.

The star player retires and becomes a lumberjack.

NBC is still unofficially the worst.

I wish Raj's plane would crash into the Sea of Japan with no survivors. I used to think Leonard and Penny were the worst characters on the show, but now they're in second place to the "pathetic, all he does is whine about women" Raj.

Patricia Arquette is still hot.

With a show about computers, how are they going to do the scenes where a character examines evidence while music blares?

None of those Olympics will be here in the US, I bet. It seems like the IOC would rather award them anywhere other than the United States.

I'm beginning to think that the explanation about why a Jimmy/Steve death scene wasn't filmed(something about their filming permit expired) for the season 3 finale was bullshit.

My prediction about season 5: Rick and company spend 15 episodes sitting in the boxcar talking about their thoughts and feelings and then, in the finale, something actually happens.

When the last season of "Raising Hope" is released on DVD, it should be retitled "The Burt and Virginia Show".

Miley Cyrus is going to have to step it up to top Lady Gaga getting puked on. Pretty soon she'll get pissed or shit on. Or do bukkake.

That's what the original L&O did a lot. An episode would begin with a murder, but it would veer off into a different crime like the ones you said.

Classic Joe.

Eric Allan Kramer, the first live-action Thor.

God Emmy Rossum is sexy.

It's not the trailers, it's the commercials BEFORE the trailers that's the problem. I saw "Lone Survivor" and had to sit through God-only-knows-how-many commercials.

Supposedly, Shiny Happy People was the original choice for the Friends theme song. It would've been heard on NBC for 10 years(1994-2004) and in perpetuity wherever the show is rerun. I forget why they went with I'll Be There For You instead.