Mr Spacethyme

Donald Glover will be replaced by Will Arnett.

"Hey, remember that book you loved as a kid? Well fuck you and your interpretation of it."

I love Russell the plucky stand-up and raunchy ne'er do well - see his early-mid 2000's interviews on MTV UK.

"Oh, and Dan's been dead this whole time." [Dan Conner, not Dan Harmon.]

"hey remember changnesia, the balloon ride, and everything else that happened during our fourth year at greendale?"
"What are you talking about? Greendale was shut down for a year - Due to a gas leak on the first day of school in 2012 we all spent a year hallucinating and recovering in the hospital, we haven't begun

It seemed at any moment that the Q&A would evolve into a public execution of Pam.

Great episode. My only thought: We watched the "raw" footage of the show over nine seasons whereas the Q&A crowd in the show watched the show in under a year, so they saw something different than what we saw. So, based on how that was edited those "viewers" may have different perceptions on the characters than us, and

Absolutley loved the wacky Dwight sideline. Hated the Robert California crap. He's not powerful, he's annoying and seems out of touch. And Andy was cloying in the bad way.

I thought it was a fun romp. Missed the bar, tho.