Mrs. L at Work

LOL, because your fearful, regressive, ignorant attitudes aren’t worth my precious time. Your hateful viewpoint is going extinct, as it should be. I don’t need to waste effort trying to prove you’re wrong because your bigotry isn’t a threat—you’ve already lost. You can have your sad, sour little tantrum while everyone

Actually they are not two separate issues if you are going to argue that the Bible is right in all things, which many Christians do. They argue that homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says so, but the Bible also does not say that slavery is wrong, and point of fact in many ways gives approval to slavery. So then

The bible and same-sex marriage:

LOL, cute commenter name—I see what you did there! No, but seriously, it’s adorable how you think your twisted bigotry is going to go over well here. Good luck with the hate-mongering!

Now playing

OH BOY, if you haven’t seen Dan Savage’s debate with Brian Brown (Christian anti-gay bigot), it’s WONDERFUL and you MUST.

So basically because he exposes them as the ignorant hypocrites they are.

1) Why wouldn’t she start talking about a maternity leave?

I'm not sure how it looks from there. Probably better off going now cuz the profit off flipping rear mezz seats isn't worth waiting. If you had orch or front row mezz, I'd say flip.

It’s worth it not just for Lin-Manuel but also for Jonathan Groff’s small but brilliant turn as King George III and Leslie Odom Jr. gave me life as Aaron Burr.

See it. It’s incredible and Lin-Manuel Miranda is truly amazing.

Or Mr. Robot! That show was (sort-of) surprisingly awesome.

it’s so good.

I mean, the title definitely implies that people watched her jump and then carried on carelessly with their partying, while the article makes it pretty clear that these people had no idea it had happened.

Then why did you do it with that headline?

This was never a mystery to me. There was no way Atticus Finch couldn’t be a racist. EVERYONE was racist at that time. Just because you believed in the rule of law doesn’t mean you believe in equality.


I realize that this comparison isn’t perfect, because it isn’t based on religious beliefs, but there were many restaurants in this country who refused to serve people of color until there was enough pressure placed on them. One way to place pressure on these businesses is to sue them.

I’ve never *tried* the $20 Upgrade but, as a hotel clerk, I can verify that I’ve absolutely given said off-the-record upgrades. City-view rooms magically become Lake-view rooms, free breakfast coupons appear under the door overnight, or Junior Suites become Jacuzzi suites. And I’ll always try to do as much as possible

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

Here’s the thing about being the child of a parent who abandons you, and then subsequently the child of a loving stepparent: IT’S NOT THE KID’S FAULT THAT YOU LEFT AND SOMEONE ELSE WANTED TO LOVE THEM. My own mother is super bitter about the acknowledgment my stepmother gets on Mother’s Day, but you know what? If you