Mrs. L at Work

Yeah, I feel you. I may have to have my ovaries removed, and my reproductive organs are all sorts of messed due to hormone suppressing BC treatment. I try not to give it too much thought because it's beyond me, but the fact that having a kid myself was pretty much taken off the table does make my heart ache from time

I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a worst-case-scenario worrier (for pretty good reason), but I would definitely check out what the fuck is going on.

Yes, that stuff bothered me as well. I just can't take someone seriously when they get into all of that pseudo/false science mumbo-jumbo.

I had to stop listening to that one. He was just so, so gross. Thankfully, the Whitney Cummings ep. was a palate cleanser.

I was listening to that best of episode while staining some furniture. It had me on the floor trying to breath through my laughter crying. Kyle on the phone with his mom and telling her about his losing his virginity story is near the top of the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Unless The Daily Show hires a whole lot more women writers with this change over, I'm done.

Well, I did finish it last night. And while I still think it's crazy good, I'm slightly disappointed too.

Ha! Bloodline is surprisingly crazy good! I have two episodes left and I can't wait to finish them tonight.

Ha! I was stuck between two worlds. I'm a WASP and married into a Catholic family. Luckily, our reception (or really party a month after the very small wedding) was mostly his family, so a lot of the gifts were checks. My WASPy family still prefers gifts - family tradition gifts like a nice wall clock - but over

Me too, but I have a mix of blue and white sapphires. White sapphires are a great alternative for diamonds. Although, I feel a little guilty about going with a natural stone, so a man made one probably is the best alternative.

Blind Gossip is already all over the Zayn (I'm proud to say that I've never heard of this guy before this recent news hit) firing. Apparently, his drug use is particularly troublesome to the studio because he wouldn't be able to pass drug tests required in some countries for touring bands.

This is amazing, thank you! My 35 year old sister had a radical hysterectomy last year (well, she did it in two parts hoping that she could save her ovaries) due to severe endometriosis. So, I've watched her go through all of this. Although, she did sort of do it in stages. She was put on Lupron a few times, but

Very interesting. I'll definitely bring this up next time I see my gyn. oncologist. Thanks.

Yup, and their asshole-ry directly effected/effects my life and the treatment of my BC. They hold the answer to something I wanted to very badly know, but I would have had to shell out nearly $10k to get that piece of info. GRRR!

I see what you're saying, but they do (breast cancer treatment centers in NYC do, anyway) recommend that younger women with a BC diagnosis (family history or not) get the genetic testing done. I had absolutely no family history, but I'm under 40 so they wanted to see if there were any mutations of my BRCA1/2 and 4


Without a family history, the only other reason you'd get tested is when you're actually diagnosed with BC and, even then, it's because you have a family history or you're diagnosed young. The latter reason is why I had the test. I don't have any family history whatsoever. And it should be mentioned, and I don't

Does anyone have any pointers for AC units that are bolted into the window and can't be removed for cleaning? We can't even cover ours for the winter, so every summer I get freaked out about whatever crap has seeped into the unit during the long winter months.

Nor will I. And I dare not share my vote with my husband.

Oh no, that's something I did not know. Whether or not they are also monitoring my fallopian tubes is a question I will need to add to my list of questions for my next visit to gyn. oncologists. I really should be reading up more about this stuff, but I just don't have it in me right now. I did something like 9