Yup. The big rock icons are all in their 60's and 70's.
Yup. The big rock icons are all in their 60's and 70's.
There has been a long tradition of Americans worshiping Royalty - decades of print about Queen Elizabeth, Charles, Dianna, now the young royals. Americans eat that shit up. Or they substitute old Hollywood (Elizabeth Taylor) - or new media stars (Kardashian)
Its his new reality show - he parades them all through the front door of Trump Tower and dangles the exalted positions in front of them like fresh meat - and they all come. Only he knows who the “finalists” are. But you know, they all leave their ethics at the door cause they cannot resist the lure of a cabinet post.
What makes America great is that Trump is rich...and you are not. He likes that.
Including Leslie Stahl - big disappointment there.
He “pivoted”, he “walked it back” they said. What he really did was say what he really thought and people were a bit outraged for a moment or two, then let it pass. He was/is saying what a lot of people think but knew better than to articulate openly.
He also touched on that in this interview. When asked about the (alleged) anti-Semitism of guys like Bannon actually being in the White House, he chucked and said, “Have they read the Nixon transcripts? Have they heard the stuff Johnson said?”
White people are coming to the realization that in the near future they will no longer be the majority by population in North America. This is hard to accept. And they are not accepting it. Trump and his buds gave them the platform to embrace the hope that what they know is going to happen eventually - isn’t going to…
I also had a friend who was a guest (child psychologist). When the camera was off, Oprah never acknowledged her presence.
Trump always threatened/promised to surround himself with the “best” people - our error that we didn’t know that best meant the most bigoted, racist,misogynist,
Somebody out there has access to Trump’s tax returns. Why aren’t they releasing them - at the very least it might corroborate the endless whispering about his ties to Russia and the $$$$ he may be in debt to them.
It would appear so. He went after them .... HARD. And then they voted for him anyway.
Fair. I think that what drives people toward the bible, religion in general and documents like the constitution is because we are always (and will eternally) be driven to try and parse the ethics which determine the rules that we will live by. In Canada currently we are debating the ethics of assisted death. I…
You can certainly look at it and debate it but it would appear that many believe it to be sacrosanct and therefore untouchable. Sort of like the bible - find the parts that speak to one’s particular opinions and use those parts to justify one’s position.... cause its the word of god. Or in the case cause the founding…
They already have 55 electoral votes that go to the Democrats practically every time.
I always scratch my head when the “founding fathers” argument is brought forward. Did the founding fathers contemplate the internet, atomic weapons, automatic machine guns, Twitter, women and minorities demanding equal rights under the law? The fact is that the world is a very different place and what may have been…
“By Gaslight”, novel by Stephen Price, is a good read. Set primarily in Victorian London - fog and sewers feature prominently.
Your mother was right.
She fucking hugged it out with him - nope, not accepting that
God!!! They hugged it out!!!???? She is repulsive as he is, just better looking. If she was not a physically extremely attractive woman, there would be none of this shit going down. She wouldn’t even be getting an audience with this sociopath.