But it will do a lot to hype her brand and her endorsements
But it will do a lot to hype her brand and her endorsements
Excellent description
What’s shocking is that anyone would be terribly surprised that a larger than life media celebrity would be robbed by an apparently well known and well organized gang of jewel thieves - they appeared to be quite confident that she would have about 10M dollars worth of jewellery with her in her lodging
His mentor Roy Cohn would be proud
Maybe the mob is quietly but focefully backing his political ambitions - great new mini series
I will not rest until all the facts are in
Maybe he is up for election and trying to appeal to the electoral clown college - he knows the way these misfits behave so he is best placed to fix their heinous behavior
Well you have definitely better intel then the media - this is the first (and last) I have heard of another woman being in the suite/apartment/hotel
Tell your neighbours not to be quite so concerned - Trump will be all over this as soon as he is elected.
“If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead”
She was definitely in a Pink Panther movie - which I did not see, so not sure about the ring part. I think the concierge is in on it. He is in the best position to know when she is in her quarters and her body guard isn’t.
Did she “deserve” it? Of course not. Am I surprised it happened? Not so much. Her extremely public life makes her a target. Not an ethical judgement, just a bit of reality.
Is there going to be another Pink Panther sequel that I am unaware of?
I do believe the perps were interested in her jewellery - not looking to murder her clearly - cause if that was the intent, then it would have gone down.
Apparently it was very close to the end of his concert. Apparently some guy ran on stage waving his hands and yelling “family emergency, family emergency”
I am confused. 2 masked men or 5 masked men? This is the first I have heard that there was another woman in the suite. She is locked in the bathroom calling the bodyguard. They tie up Kim and dump her in the bathroom tub - of another bathroom? The masked men know there is another witness there but don’t care .... or…
They can’t afford a bodyguard for each sister?
Didn’t speak French?
Wait a minute. 2 guys or 5 guys?
First I have to know that the bodyguard is not in front of the door of the suite- so at the very least, inside job? And of course, we also know that Ms. K has been publicly accosted in the last week so maybe we should be on higher alert?