Mr. Skippy

Of course, if none of those 1001 streamers are to your liking, all you can do is hope one of them dies, to be replaced by another. For there must be 1001 Twitch streamers, no more, no less. Such is the law of Twitch.

You could get Cyberpunk dirt cheap brand new from pretty much any retailer shortly after release, but keep jerking yourself off over GameStop I guess.

Never met a district manager for any company, regardless of whether I worked for that company or not, that I didn’t think wouldn’t be greatly improved if they were attacked by a pack of wolves in the deep woods of Canada, so this comes as no surprise.

You’re absolutely right. Viewing one person as a person immediately diminishes all other injustices in the world. Truly, justice and goodness are part of a zero sum game.

I have been playing Bloodborne on PC/PS5 via PS Now and I would like to say: yeah, I think this game would do very well if they ported it to PC.

But, but, but, I thought this would dilute the brand! But, but, but buy a Playstation! But, but, but, these should only be on my video game box!


So, somehow, it was wrong for consumers to take advantage of sales? And you talk about having 8 years of Plus piled up, but that’s also Sony’s fault. Microsoft has a 3 year cap. Which is the smart way to operate since you don’t run into situations like this. Everything about this situation is Sony’s fault and they

likely be around a few hundred million dollars of revenue [...] over the next 5-10 years.

This guy is over here rooting for corporations to milk the most out of consumers. Accompanied by some sort of fedora laugh.

Really weird.

I am want to second that this was an awesome comment. It provides so much context to that scene for me

Hey, this was a great comment and I enjoyed reading it. 

Now playing

It’s not afraid of an ascendant tech powerhouse Japan ruining America, it’s afraid of an ascendant Japan ruining Japan.

My opinion is that everyone who is pregnant should be forced to have an abortion, regardless of whether or not they want one, and frankly it’s super fucked up that Jim Ryan respects my opinion.

I don’t know about that, it’s not like they’re a one time use thing.  A hundred would probably be enough, much more of a custom than mass production situation.

Know what’s wild? Pico’s School is older than Rittenhouse. He probably doesn’t even know about it.

So they made a Flash game that would have made it to #3 on Popular on Newgrounds circa 2009 for a day before dropping off. Neat! Good job guys. Maybe they should try the erotica section next time, considering they can all fuck themselves.

So let’s talk about it honestly. A child with an illegally obtained firearm crossed state lines and, while only equipped with said gun (instead of the first aid he claimed to possess), brandished it at multiple unarmed civilians. After being called out for being the punk he was, he shot and killed an unarmed man after

Wait I thought the right always complained when there was politics in our entertainment?

I did it but only because of how the pandemic granted my job a ton of downtime, and because depression was hitting hard enough that I could easily enter mindless grind mode.