Having multiplayer functionality is not the same as being multiplayer-focused.
Having multiplayer functionality is not the same as being multiplayer-focused.
He seems to fill the role of Kaathe from DS1 but without being totally closed off unless you do things in the least-intuitive way possible
Yeah GamePass is a good counter-example to what Nintendo is doing, actually, since it makes no bones that it’s a rental service. If you really wanted, you could try a game on GamePass, and when it left the service, you could then purchase it. Kinda like how Blockbuster used to work.
I’m so sorry that their discord’s rules preventing trans people from finding safe groups to play with might get in the way of your 40k. It’s a real problem when kotaku commenter henshinagito can’t play 40k, and that’s the real issue that needs an article. I can see the headline on the top banner now: “Why Can’t…
What is an NFT? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk!
Literally “Source: dude trust me”
Buddy, pyramid schemes are not the future, they’ve been around for ages. You’re right about one thing: scams are not going away.
Even the font is reminiscent of Bloodborne’s.
No it wouldn’t and this rhetoric is so tired. Workers are paid while working on games, and ABK laid off workers while posting record profits - the employees are hurt or paid regardless of how games sell. The people making money on sales are shareholders and execs, so if something gets in the way of games selling, it’s…
That’s funny because the thing about H:ZD that hooked me was definitely not the core gameplay loop (which I found serviceable but not astonishing) but the mystery of what killed the world (as pretty early on you find references to Denver, proof that it’s not just an alien planet). I thought it was a really…
But “GaMeS aReN’t PoLiTiCaL”
“Guys its not funnny to leak classified Documents of modern equipment”
“I wouldn’t bet on the PS5 starter models running well in 2-3 years time aka when the warranty has expired”
Yeah, I really feel like it would have been better if they’d focused more on using the flashlight for puzzles and warding off threats instead of having a gun because vidya games need guns.
Can I just say I absolutely love the structure of this piece. Dispassionately following up every report of corporate protestation by Blizzactivision with exactly why the suits are utterly full of bullshit is the perfect way to demonstrate why nobody should listen to a single word out of these people’s mouths.
Really scummy how they’ve tried to pass it off as a Blizzard-specific problem, when they’ve been Activision-Blizzard for years.
Ah what a good article. Now let me scroll down to the comments section, which I’m sure will be full of respectful, thoughtful discussion...
Well, it’s either demanding to be taken seriously, grooming underage players, or avoiding showering.
Ori of “And the Blind Forest” is a Microsoft games character whose game is on Switch and whose movement actually would work for Smash
I’d do it for a PS5 lol