
Boy, if that’s true, she made the full transition from Never Trump to whatever it is she’s doing now. Even Lindsay Graham’s kept some dignity.

Everything I’ve seen says that Trump thinks of Hope Hicks like a daughter, so he’s definitely fucking her.

Michael Wolff didn’t carry a tape recorder; he used the recorder app on his phone. That’s why Trump & Co. were dumb enough to never realize just how much of their idiocy he was capturing. Now they have, hence the no-iPhone policy.

“You are a rude, thoughtless little pig. You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being. “I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you’re a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I’m concerned. “Once again I have

I’ve read some interesting articles about why men expose themselves to women. They state that it is this sexual resentment that is channeled into misogynistic rage, in so much that the sexual release of it is the fear and horror you cause in the woman. Basically to show her that she is powerless to do anything, and

Co-sign. First season I somewhat get there being a disparity. But after their re-tools and demonstrated chemistry/ability to play a believable couple raising four kids without leaning hard on the beautiful wife and competent af mother/dim and somewhat useless husband and father trope... she earned a bump in level

Money-laundering is what is going to take this clown car down, not election collusion. The latter is just too nebulous to pin down to an impeachable offense, but if you’ve got the receipts showing where all the dirty money went, that’s a very different story. 

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

I have no interest or intention of rehabbing men. Like the spoiled children they’ve behaved as, they can sit down and think about what they’ve done for a while. Bouts of unemployment or underemployment is only fair. I can’t number the opportunities I’ve lost for speaking up or fighting back.

“Speaking of this moment, as a culture we’ve gone from not listening, hearing or believing women, and how were we going to skip over the whole part where women get to be heard, and go straight to the redemption of the perpetrators?” Ferrera responds. “Can’t we live in that space where it’s okay for perpetrators to be

This comment really should have more stars. And, we finally have a good use for that sweatshirt.

Obesity is a risk factor for poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health. Poor diet is a risk factor for poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health. Lack of exercise is a risk factor of poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health.

Don’t forget the “prescription diet pills” he takes, according to several sources.

Hurling his own shit at people?

Well I’m a Brit so my closest neighbour are the bloody French. The US is still top dog when it comes to power projection in any form though with every week of the Trump Regime it ebbs away faster and faster.


Do you really need to ask if the obese looking man who wears baggy suits to hide his massive girth is really in “excellent health”? He tries to hide his obesity, but there’s a ton of pictures of him in his golf attire. That is not the shape a man of “excellent health” has, no matter the age. Then you throw in the fact

You must be very proud of your existing President??? What oath????...? The one to protect Russia.

Or in other words: “The system is terrible but nobody has any right to try to do anything against it.”

It’s definitely a long shot, but I would love to have someone as compassionate and brave as Chelsea Manning in the Senate.