
Ridiculous question, but: Does anyone complaining about this actually have a solution for the many below-the-line people (with much lower salaries than TV writer) who are being affected by a long strike? Because I don’t think “TV host pays an entire staff’s salary out of his own pocket indefinitely” is the answer.

When you make them pay ransom don’t forget to add a $58 resort fee

File this under broken clocks and all, but his comment “Why did I go to fucking jail for what you just did? And you’re still sitting there?” is valid.

Not for long.

Heads up: The subtitle says they went to mediTation, where the article says mediation.

Why would you expect Polish people to educate themselves about American racial taboos based on a history of racist oppression and exploitation practically endemic Western Europe and North America, when Americans can’t be bothered to even educate themselves enough to be able to identify Poland on a map?

I’m only a couple of episodes into the live action show, but the Luffy actor’s inability to make a normal human smile is already creeping me out. Having that frozen in the doll makes it even more glaring. It seems like they picked someone with a horrendously tragic life who has never known the childlike wonder, glee,

Blackface doesn’t have negative history, or any history at all in Poland and Eastern Europe. They probably don’t think it’s offensive in this context.

It’s amazing how people can’t see this clip for what it is, a continuation of what Conan thought was a joke at the time. People have really lost their minds if they think there is more to this. 

Having watching a lot of Conan (mostly during the Late Night era), I don’t think this indicates that he knew anything about Masterson, just because he’s used this type of line with a lot of guests. It’s possible - it’s not like I could know for sure - but I doubt it given just this clip to go on.

Magic Spoon is viral? All they did was sponsor every youtuber and podcaster

For Philadelphia the big ones are Pat’s and Geno’s, the Liberty Bell (look at it from the street, not from inside the pavilion), Main Street Manayunk (don’t you take my parking space freeloader use the pay-for-parking lots), Reading Terminal (waaaaaaay to crowded to be enjoyed as it ought to be) and South Street

That’s not the origin, that was an application of an existing term. 

When they super sizing the filet o fish, though?

These so called toxic workplaces just sound like workplaces from my experience.

I want some kinda “Mario Kart Maker.”

For anyone out there wondering if they’re biased, here you go. If you can read a statement that says “I can understand the positions of both parties in a conflict” and take it to mean “I am siding with the party that you are against” then the test is positive and you are indeed biased.

Sure they are dangerous, but not as dangerous as those in suits & ties and serving in Congress.. In other words, I find today’s Republican party more dangerous than those street clowns who are basically the shock troops of the MAGA movement.

“...the locals think F1 has named that permanent building after mass shooter Stephen Paddock”

A paddock is a paddock is a paddock.This is one of those deals where they need to educate the locals. Perhaps reinvest some of the money they’ve been trying to soak out of the locals back into the community.