
I enjoyed Akudama Drive. Was a nice tight storyline.

It’s the sweet rice dough. Makes for a different kind of chew. But otherwise you’re not wrong that it’s not that huge of a change. Just like Korean corn dogs aren’t much better, they just put on different toppings. Except for the one with the potatoes in the batter. And that sometimes it’s still called a corn dog, but

Funnily enough, I think our versions here are superior to Mr. Donut’s in Japan. 

How would they figure out how much credit you get since it’s tax liability based?

Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just expand the Rio Grande and then extend from sea to shining sea?

Ironic that their actual Szechuan sauce has none of the Szechaun peppercorn flavor. But it’s a victim of its time.

This and maybe Culver’s are really the only good comparisons that I’ve seen to In N Out. Not on the food taste/quality but at least price. Everyone always wants to throw Five Guys or Shake Shack or similar in the comparisons. But when you’re burger and fries cost 50-75% more, then it SHOULD be better.

That’s a shame because I find the workers more often than not will give you more than called for. Bad for the bottom line, but good for the consumer.

I keep thinking Kelce is much older than he is, and that Swift is a little younger than she is. Kelce because he seems to have been in the league forever, and Swift because of her target audience. But Google tells me that they’re the same age.

I remember hearing some actor on a Twitch stream that did a really good Rick impression. This one is almost all there, except it missing a bit of the roughness when shouting. Morty is fine.

I like that it’s 3+ hours so tricks my dog that I’m at home while I go run errands. Haven’t actually watched the movie though.

Ha. He has all the Korean and Spanish shows that aren’t on strike in his catalog.

Why have empathy for a generation you blame all your woes on? /s

So he had a sextuple?

I’d prefer the round egg on a burger.

Well, Sabine has been pretty rude the whole show, so it tracks. I mean, they found Ezra only because she decided “Screw the galaxy, I just wanna see him again!” which renders all of the losses from Rebels, and Ezra’s own sacrifice meaningless. So what’s the rejection of a piece of fruit after that?

You didn’t think it was Elon Musk?

In a Filoni world, a competent villain is basically a super genius strategic tactician.

Their late night cravings box (although now price has gone up to $8) is one of the better deals when you’ve had a night out and need a lot of grease. The tacos are nice for that too.

Have you never had? Yeah, they take the cheese they would use on the burger and stuff a slice into the taco after frying. If the taco isn’t hot enough, the cheese will still be cold when you get it, which is a pretty weird combo.