
A fancy taco place in DTLA used to have crispy tacos on their Happy Hour menu. They were SO good. And weirdly Jack-in-the-Box tacos are the closest thing I’ve found to the filling from the other place. I hesitate to call it beef, but there’s something so junk food about it that it hits the spot more often than I’d

It shows that while a lot of regional styles exist, they don’t all deserve to be promoted.

Why do you need to hide the free burger? Just eat it and that’s the best hiding anyone can do.

Was this written 3 years ago? Popeye’s chicken sandwiches are always available where I’m at. Most of the wait time issues are slow staff. But they’re also more often pre-made now and nowhere near as good as when there was a shortage.

Your mistake was not giving her Franken Berry.

I love the “We are listening” corporate messages. It’s such a great way to say “I heard your comments, now STFU while I figure out a better way to break the bad news to you.”

It reads like loathing him and resenting him is meant to add street cred to the author’s queer card?

Is he still a big enough name in the UK that the PM needs to make an announcement about his rape allegations?

So it’s all about family. Except for his baby momma (wife?) because she’s played by Amber Heard.

I wonder if it’s because HBO always had to justify their premium over basic cable, where Discovery was part of the most basic cable packages? Different mindset.

I’m guessing they know how to staff. They choose not to. And also it’s just that their public relations folks suck at explaining a price increase to make it seem justifiable.

He should’ve kept his gun collection and sent them to Ukraine instead of melting them down for his fuck buddy at the time. But hindsight is 20/20. lol

How much time did that team spend to get in, when all it takes is a 10 minute phone call?

It’s not. And there’s no real solution. Because neither owners nor unions are going to self-reflect and look at what it would take to compromise for the greater good. Just saying not all anti-union is just because of sour grapes or propaganda. There are valid reasons. But not enough to overcome the better outcome with

Those things are easy to say, but reality is that the workers not part of the strike will still lose income AND they won’t benefit at all from whatever agreements are made.

His argument (at least in this article) sounds more that they miss his entire point with their adaptations. So they’re just using the name and characters, not actually adapting it to a different format.

I think it’s more that unions are fighting for their productive workers to get their share. But they also make it really really hard to replace non-productive workers. It’s why you end up having a redundant person watching, excuse me supervising another person do menial tasks. Or the slacker slowing down a line

Huh, I always end up throwing those away.

Do we get more if we file a motion that we didn’t get a game and just animal meats?

She’s pretty big right now, but unfortunately, no. She’s kind of another Cardi B clone who was kind of a Nicki Minaj clone. But to be up there with some of the greatest rappers of all time? Not even close.