
I saw one on the road the other day! I couldn’t believe someone was dumb enough to buy it.

Ya gotta go to the ones in Japan. It’s not commercial looking every time, but it is a good amount of the time.

We don’t live in a world of baby steps anymore. It’s either perfect or you’re micro-aggressing. lol

This sounds good. What we really don’t have enough of is Italian Happy Hour (Aperitivo). Although I don’t know how they eat dinner after so much all you can eat appetizers. Then again, they understand moderation.

That does not sound like a peaceful meditation session.

I’m gonna be watching the shit out of this series.

I would say that suffering is the point of the punishment to hold him accountable.

I read it as the subs should’ve at least said singing in Spanish instead of non-English.

Everyone that goes to Japan (or most other countries) should save at least 1 meal to try to localized McD’s items. Other American fast food places maybe not so much. But McD’s for sure.

A ruptured achilles at 40? He’ll be fine. Just walk it off.

Come on. You know any rebrand is to confuse gullible voters that might otherwise be pro-choice. They don’t care about the toxicity of it all.

When I once stuffed down 25 wings over an hour, I felt bad until the next day. Getting old sucks.

Look up mukbang. This isn’t just a problem in the west.

I’ve watched a lot of the more recent offerings partially as background noise. So occasionally I’ll miss something, but overall it doesn’t really matter. Partially because most of the writing is horrible and leads to obvious conclusions. Partially because there isn’t a lot of nuance to these stories.

I’ve said it before that Luffy actor’s actual smile is already unnerving. Makes him look like he’s a serial killer. It’s like AI trying to express joy, but not knowing what it actually feels like.

Pretty much the whole album of Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) by Wu-Tang Clan.

Yeah, that it coincidentally is tied to a convicted rapist now does not mean that Conan wasn’t just off the cuff making a joke in response to a joke. Talk about fitting a narrative to the outcome.

MiLa is kind of overhyped for their dumplings, but their ice cream is really good. I can locally get frozen XLB for cheaper and they’re actually handmade. Their ice cream flavors (although all the local shops are making similar flavors now) are really good. I guess if you don’t have a Chinese restaurant nearby that

Can’t believe you’re introducing Turtle Chips and skipping their best flavors. #1 - Sweet Corn. I think this might be the OG flavor. If you like corn, this flavor is awesome. Next is Chili Lime. It’s not like Flamin’ Hot. But it’s got a subtle heat and nice sourness. The Truffle flavor is too sweet and has no truffle