
The deep fried pho sounds good. I do think Pho-chimi or Pho-rrito would’ve sounded better. A restaurant here does a pho spring roll. It’s not fried, but it’s a rice wrapper around pho ingredients. Tastes like pho. Almost impossible to eat whole with chopsticks. But super delicious.

Langer’s here in LA has their famous #19. Pastrami, coleslaw, Russian dressing, and nippy cheese on rye (not grilled). I’ve never really detected the horseradish even with both the dressing and cheese. It’s a local and tourist favorite. And for whatever reason I never thought of it as a Reuben variant until now.

The Gaylor thing doesn’t even make sense. TSwizzle has no need to hide if she’s bi or gay. In the worst case she would lose a non-material portion of her audience. Making $99.999M instead of $100M wouldn’t be noticeable, although might set back her billionaire goals by a tiny fraction.

Yup. Damage control now that charges are filed. I don’t see the city attorney actually moving forward without just settling, but still.

I just made a separate comment saying that if anybody bought into it because he spread it, basically was gunning for a Darwin Award and so....... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m not sure that I objected to his pushing horse medicine. Because the people that listened and went for it were kind of self-culling the herd.

He’ll at least beat Lordstown.

Isn’t Tiktok, China’s Tiktok? lol

It’s like not knowing things existed before your generation was old enough to notice.

I think the problem with Salt N Straw is that their delivery on concept isn’t all there. For instance, they had like a chocolate/jasmine tea/whatever where you could barely taste the tea, and so it tastes just like chocolate chunk. But their ice cream is good. And they’ve done an amazing job at promotion and expansion.

My dog is dumb enough to keep going after cars though. Unfortunately, so are they.

She named her son RZA? RZA’s name isn’t RZA. Interesting that A$AP Rocky would be cool with naming his kid after a different rapper.

I curious to try. Also curious to see if after some more widespread adoption, we’ll start seeing the studies that it actually doesn’t have the same nutritional value, etc... that was touted. Even more interested to try to ride the wave of the IPO and then the eventual downfall of the stock. 

Well it was this or the CoD gamer that became a real special forces operator (I don’t think that’s happened).

Those guns would be confiscated with regular metal detectors.

The thing I noticed about local breweries in the UK were that they are local staples. Pubs carry a variety of beers, but the local brewery is a source of pride (for smaller towns). At least in LA, there are so many upstart breweries, not all of them anything special, that not even the local neighborhoods give too much

Partly because in 2000's, it seemed like the only beer the microbreweries would make were IPAs.

It exists. Just look at Bud Light. Cancel culture doesn’t mean that the subject can’t exist after. It’s just that people are so eager to punish those that seem to violate a belief that they actively try to cancel them. Just because they aren’t successful, doesn’t mean it’s not a thing that a lot of society

Would Barbie have been made if it wasn’t tied to the IP? That’s kind of his point.

At least Cocaine Bear’s trailer looked great! This one doesn’t even look interesting except that the subject is a sloth. Although not a very good looking sloth.