
She miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight have had a point about a large loud party at a common area. However something tells me she wouldn’t have minded if they were white.

I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I actually was the one that didn’t want to leave after walking a couple of circles around it already.

It’s 40% about fanservice as well as the power of friendship. I’m not sure either Fairytale or Highschool DXD is SFW.

I think it’s the same guy that hires at my local Costco.

Hooters wings are the best. BWW and all the other chains really suck. Most mom and pops suck too. If they could just sell their recipe/process for the wings to somewhere without the stigma, it would be perfect.

Kind of think she needs to be the one to be able to approve or disapprove of what he’s saying? Although he was the dumbass that threw it out on Twitter.

I’ve attended Anime Expo for the past 4-5 years that it’s been on. I went on Monday (Day 3) this year, and usually only go on the last day. There’s less cosplayers and events to attend, but the crowds are more manageable. There was no line to get in and the place didn’t get crowded until the afternoon, at which time

SO MUCH SLOW-MO! His movies would be half the length with just a regular amount.

It would be awesome for the full Thor cast from Marvel play their same characters in Sandman, but with a different take.

Have to ask Ken....

Is that what my corgie’s doing all the time? She does it in winter too though.

Ruffles Jalapeno Ranch. And pretty much any chocolate candy in a dark configuration.

Bigots are not a protected class. We are always free to refuse them service.

Volunteered for a bump on my return flight from Honolulu. Only a couple hours, what could be the harm? A couple of drinks at the bar, and my flight has been delayed an hour. Another drink or two, and the bar is closing (all of the other shops already closed). Plane finally arrives and we board.

Morimoto’s restaurants are generally disappointing.

I just don’t understand his hair. Does anyone else have that kind of haircut and I just never noticed?

Too bad Boaty McBoatface is already taken.

Drown it out with your own jerking to the cutscene.

I’ve always like cottage cheese with some Tapatio. My mom also put it in her lasagna when we were kids, so maybe she conditioned us to like it.

Major downturn in the Classic Hip-hop Sirius channel when the 2000's became old school.