
Arby’s removing those hash brown patties was a crime!

I thought they were being boycott in the south because they have a DEI program (and have apparently had it for more than a decade)? The old “boycott” was a few students protesting (as they do) and everyone else ignoring because “I like mediocre chicken sandwiches too much!”

My SIL texted us a pic of her and Curtis Stone with a caption of “Guess who I ran into?” And we could only respond with “Some random white guy?” I honestly think there’s about 25% of celebrity chefs that make a difference and the rest are pretty pedestrian. But that’s probably a good thing since that hopefully means

The main issue is that they don’t taste as good. I bought some strawberries in Japan for about $20 for 9 strawberries. They were pretty big, but they were really sweet and had a strong strawberry flavor. The ones here are pretty bland and have a very very light strawberry flavor. Conversely, there are the wild or

That’s the hard part when your whole identity has been that you’re part of the royal family. Now they’re finding out what interest people have in them outside of that, beyond the interest that people always have in rich people. Their schtick of bitching about the royal family has run out of steam, and they have yet to

There was some actor that I heard on Twitch that does a pretty spot on Rick. I don’t know that he could do Morty though. So there will probably be a difference and people will notice. But if the writing is still good, then we’ll move on.

In LA, it’s the #19 at Langer’s. Although the #19 is pastrami with the cheese, coleslaw, and russian dressing on rye in a single stack.

“Boring attention monger still screaming for attention.”

They should go the SharkNinja route and just keep making cheap copies of other expensive appliances. Their stuff generally works 80-90% as well but at 60% of the price.

Just watched the Snyder Cut this weekend when I was bored. It was just not a good movie. Even removing all of the unneeded slow motion, the changes were just so much worse than what they ended up with. And why does Ray whatever look like he’s made out of clay? Did they not have a makeup artist that knew how to do his

I’m not even sure what people’s issues are. Like if my wife can put in $10M on a $20M house, I’m all for it.

The narrator has the super flat tone of every English dub anime voice actor.

The cynic in me says that she’s going to develop Force powers as the game progresses..

Let’s not leave out that sad sack Dr. Disrespect is supporting this guy by uninstalling CoD and encouraging everyone else to do so too. I hope the 9ers get far away from that douche as soon as possible.

Everybody in this story is shady as hell. But only one of them is in US Congress.

“Hey, we didn’t go all the way OK? There was a rubber in between us the whole time!” - That guy probably.

When Sweetgreen or Mixt type places open in an urban neighborhood, it’s a sign that gentrification has been completed.

You scared me so I had to check the menu real quick. I’ve never noticed because moving from east coast to west coast, the menu wasn’t really different. It’s a shame they don’t have it for you guys.

This is what baffled my mind. For gas pumps, either left or right side was easy because you can pull into the stations. The way EV chargers are setup, it’s not that easy. However, there’s also no reason they can’t have a front and back port for charging (besides being cheap).

They should have just taken out the “based on a true story” and released it as a movie. Of course “Corporate snack maker makes hit snack based on focus groups” isn’t as sexy.