
As long as he has his will/trusts in order, then who cares? She and DeNiro’s baby mama both obviously had their plans, and they somehow worked.

This guy was definitely trying to get into Megan Fox’s pants the whole time they were on set together. This “idea” he came up with sounds like his last desperate attempt to penetrate her for “art” of course.

Do they know he didn’t fake his own death to avoid paying out lawsuits? I guess I watch too many movies...

Her photos look like Eva Mendes in Disney princess cosplay.

Mortadella is all I ever NEED. But the rest are great too. I always thought speck was German, but TIL.

I haven’t been in the BMW market for a couple of years. But has anyone made an aftermarket front fascia that deletes the monstrous pig nostrils?

That’s likely why he named them. Which is ironic because their company is most likely anti-nazi at this point.

The Democratic party can’t just come out and call them fascists? They use the whole “woke” thing incorrectly, but as an easy insult label (it used to be socialist). The Dems think they’re winning any points by not pushing back?

It’s weird that they think this is disparaging but that the Silk and Oatly ads are not. Well, not weird considering they apparently have their own agenda. But Silk really does suck in general. It’s not even good soymilk, and is basically just a whitener.

It’s the “Let’s throw everything we can think of in case something might stick” approach. I’m surprised they didn’t throw in gender and LGBTQ+ somehow.

Surprising Mattel would let themselves be cast in a bad light.

Thank goodness I got mine through Costco. Got to use it for about 10 months before they went bankrupt. Costco refunded me the total annual fee.

That’s a really limiting definition for “on the go”. The limit of your home wifi is not really much to get excited about.

Why is becoming friends with Kim Jong Un considered a win? Especially for the racists?

It’s gonna be a fucking madhouse.

I’d caveat the ramen noodle salad to use the fried type of ramen only. Because the air dried ones will not taste good in that application.

I would like to submit Costco Food Court for the judges’ consideration.

I like that Levinson has embraced the Skinemax side of the company and just runs with it. Naked women on TV still sells!

I just hate the fact that everyone has caught on to TSA Precheck and so the lines now are almost as bad as the regular security lines. Now you have to get Clear for a quicker line. But then you still have to wait for the dumbass who still doesn’t know the security routine AND needs to put on all his stuff right in

So did he just re-incriminate himself with that Tweet?