
Probably that, plus a little bit of “I wonder what would happen if Twitter fell off the App Store?”

I think this magazine might be along the lines of:

It was also had a great ensemble cast, of which Will Smith was only part of.

WOW! We’re just gonna ignore Air Bud???

Ha. A guy came at me because I made a sarcastic comment that was meant to support his point (or at least add to it). I even “/s” and everything. nd then he doubled down when I pointed out what /s means on the internet. People are awesome!

This is why our boss wants us to be very conservative on finances. Yeah he gets to enjoy the benefits when possible. But if we’re ever audited by investors or gov’t, we followed the law and by-laws that were needed. Doesn’t mean we can’t fly first class or stay in 5 star hotels and have expensive meals. Just means

Real men don’t use smartphones.

So his brilliant plan is rehashing 70's-90's Playboy? Or 90's-00's Maxim?

Did you ever wish that your bike route was a never ending series of speed bumps? Well, do we have the product for YOU!!

Could’ve just said all surviving members of Wu-Tang Clan.

I think they’re trying to walk back their initial takes because the lady had the receipts to prove she was right. But without walking back their initial takes here.

They could make the chocolate or strawberry milks with 1/4 of the sugar and it would still taste good. Thanks Obama!

Is it even bad for the vegans? Or just hurts their feelings?

I feel like this is the type of food that deserves to go viral on Tiktok or IG. Of course the video will say some 16 yr old “discovered” a new product. But that’s fine. As long as it might drive distribution out to the coasts because I want to try it.

he scatters his focus between SpaceX, Tesla, Twitter, and daily commentary on politics and the media

I found the Taco Bell in Osaka to be disappointing (crappy localized items) if slightly better put together.

Wasn’t that song basically a princess feeling unfulfilled by owning everything that her world had to offer? So she needed to go to another world to get more stuff?

The guy knows his audience and panders to them mercilessly. His Ryan’s Roses segment on his radio show is full of cringe, and always aggressively hostile to the men. Then he confidently always sides with the women. Add that to being white and decent looking (although he’s aged horribly), it’s a formula for success.

If we can have MW2 and MWII (and maybe MWTwo in the future) then this is fine. /s

Someone’s never heard of old man strength...