
Seriously, it’s just an egg. How much could it cost? $10?

One awesome snack in Paris is the hot dog. They have them around, but the coffee stand under the Eiffel Tower was where I got mine. They take a section of baguette, impale it on a heated spike to make a hole and toast the inside, dip the hot dog into French mustard, insert into the hole and serve. The hot dog itself

Nah man. For 1 meal in any country, you should go to McD’s and try all the localized offerings. It’s a trip.

You tried to get too fancy. Should get regular Big Mac, transfer all contents (except the middle bread) onto a baguette. Would probably turn out better.

“I’m just glad we were able to stop this individual before she ended up hurting somebody of hurting herself.”

I would’ve thought Top Gun: Maverick would be motivation to complete Top Gun: X-Wings. But maybe Patty Jenkins isn’t the right director for that version.

The main gripe I had is that a man that grew up idolizing the 80-90's Bulls never knew about the triangle offense or how it worked. But all the talk and analysis was almost unavoidable back then if you were a NBA fan.

They literally said everything there is to say in public outlets for them to lose this case. Private emails will just be the double tap to be sure.

“I’ll show everyone how powerful I am by defeating the Mouse!” was definitely his thinking.

There is a thriving, albeit niche, industry doing exactly that.

If you choose to be an incel, then you’re just a cel and need to find a new community. lol

Not really. Disney is continuing an agreement with elected representatives of the people. They’re just not allowing the new regime to reneg on the existing contract.

It’s funny to think about. Disney’s self-governing to avoid lawsuits is more strict than the Florida government’s to appear like they’re business friendly.

It’s partially this author. You see all the “Hollywood sexism/patriarchy!” stuff, and then throw in “If I had Harry Styles working for me, I’d be distracted all the time.”

But that’s not enough to fill a self-aggrandizing biography.

They hired a famous investigative company to investigate. Not like they hired Blackwater (or whatever they’re called now) to kneecap card game nerds.

No. You don’t get to say “mental illness” and then have no responsibility or repercussions for your actions. But that doesn’t mean the movie is bad.

This brain genius’ revolutionary fix for Twitter is to turn it into shitty Onlyfans. Sounds about right.

I thought the headline meant nude scenes.

No hate for panoramic roof?