
These models are SO upset that they need to take this job.

Prince Madonna Bobbie-Brown-Bon-Jovi. So 80's, so hyphens.

I thought the “loyalty test” was alluding to some type of sexual assault. So on the bright side, it wasn’t???!?!?

It’s like the RBG situation all over again. Except I’m not giving Feinstein the benefit of the doubt that her motivation is altruistic.

I’ve liked the pivot away from boring Din and baby Yoda to focus more on Bo Katan and the rest of the Mandalorians. It could be executed better, but that would be counting on Dave Filoni not making a kids’ show. Which maybe it’s supposed to be. Their target demo should be to make the younger generation interested in

The dawning of the force at this point should be: Guy walking on a desert planet (are there any other kind?) looks at a bush with glowing berries. Pops one into his mouth. “I shall name these delicious things midichlorians”. End movie.

Their recent apple cider vinegar chips were really good.

I don’t see much wrong with these except that they’re just a burger and side. It’s not like any of the stuff is actually between the buns (besides the burger).

Just give us a countdown.

Hypothetically, can all of the victims of these frivolous lawsuits file a class action against Monster Energy?

Had to try Culver’s when I was in AZ recently. I’d say the butter burger was good, but In N Out burger is still better. But the fried cheese curds were pretty amazing. I’ll try custard and stuff next time I’m out there.

I can see Musk responding by shitposting McD’s and telling them they were a shitty advertiser anyway.

The culture exists. It’s just neither as successful as the cancellers want it to be, nor what the hand wringers make it out to be.

Not that kind of physical.

I laughed at that second part, and now I feel bad.

They’re not even trying to be secret pedo’s any more.

It’s probably a dumb joke about her kid biting down on her when feeding or some stupid stuff. I hope not because I want to believe she’s one of the good ones.

MAAAAYBE if Melania was still FLOTUS.

NO. Inviting both teams does not grow the women’s game. It just continues to show that women’s sports need special coddling to excel. I would say that her whole thing about not wanting the whole team to go is selfish as hell. Maybe some other people would like to go, even if FLOTUS is an idiot.

Did the Obama’s even wade into this? Or are they sitting at home thinking “PLEASE leave us out of this mess.”